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News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 10, 2024 Contacts: General Park Information: 928-608-6200 Media Inquiries Only: Stateline Main Ramp Temporarily Closed Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah/Ariz. – Beginning July 15, 2024, Stateline Main Ramp will be temporarily closed to accommodate vessel salvage operations. The salvage will be occurring at Wahweap Marina and will take approximately 1 week to complete. Staging for the operation and removal of salvage m... Full story
The National Park Service is assessing repair needs. Due to significant wind damage and low water conditions, Dangling Rope Marina will not re- open in 2021. A team of electrical, structural, and marine engineer visited the site during the summer to assess the damaged infrastructure. The National Park Service (NPS) is developing a plan for marina repairs and additional actions needed to address projected low water conditions. Be advised that during the closure of Dangling Rope Marina, visitors... Full story
From Visit Horseshoe Bend attracts 2 million visitors every year and is one of the most photographed sites in northern Arizona. Here, we walk you through need-to-know details for how to travel to this spectacular place as well as tips on how to engage more meaningfully with the destination. Formed when the Colorado River looped around an impassable sandstone escarpment, Horseshoe Bend is one of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area's more famous highlights. Not an easy feat,... Full story
Lake Powell Report (6/23/21) Lake Powell is dropping. Inflowing water today is 10,000 Acre Feet less than outflow. The parched Southwest really needs Monsoon rain to fall this summer. Be careful when traveling on the lake. Stay in the middle of the main channel to ensure a safe trip. Stripers Still Hitting Bait Stripers are still hitting bait in the normal spots like Buoy 25 Cove and Wall, Rincon, and Moki Canyon. On my weekly fishing trip, we saw fewer slurping stripers in the channel between... Full story
PAGE, AZ – Lake Powell boaters are advised that, due to wind damage, there will be no boat fuel service at the Dangling Rope Marina, until further notice. The fuel dock is separating from the main dock and is not safe for visitors or employees. Visitors may not use the dock for any purpose until further notice. Please check our website and social media for further announcements about available visitor services. The marina store, café and lift station remain closed until further notice. Ha... Full story
The weather is still acting like a lion instead of a lamb. At press time, winds are still blowing this week. Check the weather report while planning a trip. There is usually a calm day or two each week. Fishing on a calm day instead of a windy day often produces more fish and more happy anglers. (Check the weather at the bottom of the home page on Lake level is still going down. The Castle Rock Cut is closed. Bullfrog Main ramp is closed. Launching is still possible at the... Full story
Water temperature at Wahweap Marina has dropped below 70 F in the early mornings. It has been a long, hot summer, but the intense heat is finally departing. Daytime air temperature is still in the 80's but next week drops into the 70s. The long-awaited Fall season is late, but very welcome now that it is finally coming. Hopefully, fish will respond positively to the cooling water. This past week they were a bit lethargic. The best time to catch stripers and bass was from 8-10 a.m. Then it... Full story
Lake Powell is now back to normal and open for fishing, recreating and camping 24 hours per day. Smallmouth Bass fishing has been incredible with a consistent catch of 40 fish or better each day. Most anglers are pounding the shoreline from 5-30 feet deep with plastic baits including Ned rigs, plastic grubs, Maniac Cutter bugs, and various crankbaits. Many have enjoyed topwater fishing in the early morning and evening in coves and the backs of canyons. Lake Powell bass seem happy to have anglers... Full story
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is Beginning to Increase Recreational Access to Lake Powell Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, UT/AZ– Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local public health authorities, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is increasing recreational access and services. The National Park Service (NPS) is working servicewide with federal, state, and local public health authorities to closely monitor t... Full story
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, UT/AZ– Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local public health authorities, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is increasing recreational access and services. The National Park Service (NPS) is working servicewide with federal, state, and local public health authorities to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and using a phased approach to increase access on a park-by-park basis. B... Full story
We went to Bullfrog recently to complete a work assignment, which was to collect 200 surface-feeding striped bass. These captured fish are destined to be brood fish used to create hybrid stripers. We chose the date months ago, based on previous fish reports, which indicated slurping stripers would begin feeding on the surface during the first week of June. The report strategy worked great as we caught 100 surface-feeding (slurping) stripers from dawn until 10 a.m. on Monday and Tuesday.... Full story
Quality of life is measured by amount of time spent fishing. The snow and rain continue providing the moisture, and eventually the runoff, needed to allow the lake to rise back to the levels that enable safe passage and enjoyable fishing trips over the length of the lake. The Lake Powell water level is slowly declining due to the continued stormy and cool weather that we all have experienced lately. Hope For A Large Rise The lake has been holding near 3571 feet (mean sea level) during March. In... Full story
We have finished fishing with gill nets at Good Hope Bay and Rincon. Therefore, this will be the last regular weekly report for 2018. Each year we do gill net studies to document changes in fish populations, health indexes, and to help us understand how the fishery is doing compared to previous years. The gill netting sites included Wahweap, San Juan (Piute), Rincon and Good Hope Bay (Red Canyon). Gill-netting data dates back to 1973 so there is a long history of netting data for comparison.... Full story
Summer is the perfect time to visit the North Rim of the Grand Canyon because the higher elevation of the North Rim means forest and cool summer days. The North Rim is usually a lot less crowded than the South Rim as well, mostly because it takes a lot longer to get there. We took a five-day trip in June that included Page, Marble Canyon, Lee's Ferry, and the North Rim, and it was awesome. Granted, the weather was a bit hot in Page and Marble Canyon, but not quite as hot as in the Valley, so we... Full story
Water temperatures are now up into the spawning zone. Largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and crappie are on beds now. This is the first spawn and we can expect the nest guardians to spawn perhaps two to three more times before mid-May. Inflow continues to increase the lake level, which is now officially above 3600 MSL. Expect 40 more feet of elevation increase. Make sure to check the boat tie lines each morning if camping on the lake. Weather has been clear but there has been some wind in the even... Full story
The quality of life is measured by amount of time spent fishing. Lake Powell is rising. Spring runoff has begun a bit early due to warm days in March. That may change as another storm front is now on the way. Early runoff is a double-edged sword for fishing success from Trachyte to Good Hope Bay. This week, reports indicated good steady fishing success for smallmouth bass, walleye, stripers and largemouth. Catching was steady for those using bass jigs along the shoreline and trolling with wally... Full story
Wayne Gustaveson Takes A Break, Thanks Readers 'Quality of life is measured by amount of time spent fishing.' Lake Powell fish at the end of fall were in prime time. Water temperature is in the mid 60s which means that all fish can basically go anywhere they want to. During summer there is a separation of large and small stripers because big fish need cooler temperatures. Those barriers are now removed. Consider fishing patterns now to be just like fishing in late... Full story
Lake Powell fish are in transition mode with day length getting shorter while air temperature is cooling. Water temperature and lake elevation have stayed stable during the past three weeks. Elevation is 3610 and temperature holding at 70 degrees. The main change is fish location. Keep An Open Mind Bass are moving up on shore, stripers are on the move and shad are split between hiding in the backs of canyons while some are going deep in open water. My best advice is to keep an open mind and an... Full story
'Quality of life is measured by amount of time spent fishing.' Stripers have moved out of the main channel and toward the backs of canyons. The move indicates that the shad food source has been well used in open water of the channel and bays. Slurping stripers have been relentless in pursuit of small newly-hatched shad. Those shad that have survived are seeking a sanctuary in the brush that now lines the shoreline. Shad have a better chance of avoiding predation if there is some kind of brushy... Full story
Whether you already live in Arizona or are planning to visit our beautiful desert from another state or even out of the country, you shouldn't miss our great marinas. jim@azbw.comClick here to email Jim and find out how to enhance your listing. Antelope Point Marina Apache Lake Resort & Marina Bartlett Lake Marina & Boat Club Bartlett Lake Marina: Click Here"borde Bartlett Lake is located in the northeast valley only 48 miles from downtown Phoenix and 17 miles northeast of Carefree and is within... Full story
What a great day spent learning about striped bass behavior, attitudes, and preferences. It was time well spent. We headed out from Wahweap as the sky began to glow in the east. We made it to the mouth of Navajo before sunrise in hopes of seeing the slurping stripers encountered there previously. I am not good at waiting, so we trolled while hoping for the first slurps to appear. That went well as we caught a 3-pound striper trolling a Lucky Craft Bevy Shad at 4 mph. As that fish was undergoing... Full story
Steve Roberts from Clear Lake, Iowa, had a great first trip to Lake Powell. He did his homework by reading all the fish reports on two weeks before his arrival. When he finally arrived, he couldn't wait to get out on the lake. He launched at Wahweap and headed through the Castle Rock Cut to Warm Creek and started fishing for bass. There were a few bass that cooperated but it was challenging fishing due to the cold front that had just passed by. Roberts then headed to the back of... Full story
Sport fishing at Lake Powell enjoyed a great year in 2014. Threadfin shad came back in record numbers, allowing all fish species a seat at the banquet table. Fish responded by growing rapidly in the warm water during fall 2014. Now, over winter, feeding continues for striped bass. Fish health and condition is remarkable. Striped bass have not been this healthy since the backs of the canyons where shad spend the winter. It looks as if 2015 will be a year to fish the backs of the canyons instead... Full story
The following facilities are closed or operating on a reduced schedule. Wahweap • Lake Powell Resort – open • Rainbow Room restaurant and Wahweap grille – closed • Latitude 37 – closed • Driftwood Lounge – open 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. for dinner only • Canyon Coffee – open 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. • RV park, campground, campground store – open – check-in at store 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Lake Powell gift shop – open 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Lake Powell Sports – closed • Marina Store – open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Boat Rental re... Full story
Lake Powell is rising a foot per day as abundant snowpack in northern Colorado and Wyoming continues to feed the Colorado and Green Rivers. Runoff into Lake Powell that began in earnest in the middle of May and at the beginning of June had reached 60,000 cfs leading to a rapid rise in lake level. That is good news for boaters. The rising water has opened the Castle Rock Cut near Wahweap Marina. There is now safe passage for boats of all sizes including tour boats destined to Rainbow Bridge and... Full story