Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Articles from the July 15, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 45

  • Watersports Ride On Science, History, Innovators

    Bryan Hughes|Jul 15, 2014

    It's All Just Science Sometimes we take for granted all of the science and engineering that goes into the watersports we love. Whether it's the way our skis or wakeboards are shaped, the variables that affect our boat waves, or even how our boat hull, engine, and instruments come together - we are riding on the backs of years upon years of research and development all dedicated to giving us the best riding experience. As much as I dislike science classes, there is no doubt in my mind that... Full story

  • A 'Whale Of A Tale'

    Wayne Gustaveson|Jul 15, 2014

    Early one Saturday morning, a call came stating a big striper had just been caught at the mouth of Warm Creek. It took about 20 minutes to get there but we soon found a boat at the corner of Warm Creek and the main channel. Adam Jones and Deborah Williams were right there and when we got in range, Adam held up a huge striper. We got out of the wind and headed to shore where we could get the full story. Death Of A Big Fish Adam and Deborah were out at dawn fishing along Warm Creek Wall on June 14... Full story

  • Game And Fish Investigating Antelope Poaching In Northern Arizona

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department is investigating the poaching of an antelope buck that was left to waste in a field, and the Department needs assistance in finding the individuals responsible. On July 2, at around 4:30 a.m., gun shots were heard near the Windmill Ranch off Forest Service Road 231, known as Woody Mountain Rd. Also that morning, a person reported seeing two antelope bucks off the road. In that same area, but not at the same time, the reporting party also saw two people... Full story

  • Ship Ahoy! - A House With A View

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    It originally transported iron and coal for the Ford Motor Company. She was built in 1924, and was decommissioned in 1981 after nearly 50 years of service. She was left to rust for four years until Frank J. Sullivan bought it, had the ship's forecastle separated from the ship's hull, and had it transported to its present site on an 18-foot cliff jutting above and overlooking Lake Erie, where Sullivan tried to turn it into a hotel, which he was denied permission to do. He then sold the place to... Full story

  • Explore The Night By Black Light

    AZGFD|Jul 15, 2014

    Did you know that Arizona is home to over 60 species of scorpions, including the most dangerous species in the United States, the bark scorpion? Join Arizona Game and Fish Department biologists for an easy evening hike to explore the hidden lives of nocturnal animals at the Hirsch Conservation Education Area, located at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility. The Ben Avery Shooting Facility is home to a variety of wildlife including coyotes, bobcats, mule deer, owls, mice, snakes, scorpions, and an... Full story

  • A Salute To Swimming

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    It may be a desert state, but Arizona has many great swimming holes. Nestled here and there near mountain springs and along tributaries of rivers, these natural spas are popular with hikers, picnickers and just about anyone who enjoys time in and around the water. Some of the following entail a drive; others require a short walk or a bit of a scramble. A few can only be reached after a long, hard hike. Keep in mind, though, that you are not the only one who wants to cool off in the water; there... Full story

  • Lake Powell Fishing Report

    Wayne Gustaveson|Jul 15, 2014

    http://www.wayneswords.com Lake Powell has topped out at 3609 MSL after rising 35 feet this year. That means Castle Rock Cut is 27 feet deep and should remain passable for the rest of 2014. Fish are more concerned about habitat. New green brush went under water at 3603 and will provide bass habitat and shad shelter for much of the summer. The shad crop is a bit above average. Adult shad continue to spawn in July when in some others years they would have finished spawning by now. That is a... Full story

  • Excerpts From AZGFD Fishing Report

    AZGFD|Jul 15, 2014

    Tip Of The Week Try Apache Lake for something different. Here, crappie and walleye are other tasty options. Fish some of Apache's heavy breaks where shallow water quickly becomes deep. It has really become a tremendous largemouth bass fishery. There are also plentiful yellow bass, which are a lot of fun to catch on light tackle. Apache Lake also has a healthy herd of bighorns. So be sure to take a camera - this is one of our most photogenic lakes. The Reel Deal Summer is hot and sticky and... Full story

  • Senate Strangles Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act Of 2014

    ASA|Jul 15, 2014

    July 10, the U.S. Senate effectively killed the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2014 when it failed to pass a vote that would have moved the bill forward. After 81 amendments were offered to the bill, many of which were not supported by the sporting community or germane to the original bill, the vote reflected the partisan animosity of the mid-year elections. The bill had 46 cosponsors and had the strong support of most hunting and angling organizations and many conservation organizations. A... Full story

  • Izaak Walton League Sponsors National Hunting & Fishing Day

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    Simply buying a hunting or fishing license can do big things for conservation. Sportsmen and women across the country want to share that message in their communities, including members of the Izaak Walton League of America, which continues its sponsorship of National Hunting and Fishing Day this year. Their support goes a long way toward fostering growth in outdoor sports. The Izaak Walton League has long supported NHF Day, which takes place each year on the fourth Saturday in September. This ye... Full story

  • For A Cool Experience

    Margie Anderson|Jul 15, 2014

    If you're looking for a cool getaway in Arizona that is a bit off the beaten path (and therefore not quite so packed with human beings), you should give the Pinaleno Mountains a try. There are lots of excellent hiking trails, a lake to fish in, and plenty of good campgrounds whether you favor a tent or an RV. The tallest peak is over 10,000 feet, and you may be familiar with the name - Mt. Graham: the mountain with the famous protected red squirrels. The Pinalenos are one of the "sky islands"... Full story

  • Searching For Weekend Get-Aways?

    ASP|Jul 15, 2014

    If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, bedroom and the living room and head for your favorite family retreat, the State Parks! Rural State Parks in Northern Arizona can be five to 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix or Tucson. Adventures include camping, fishing, swimming, boating, hiking, wildlife watching and learning about Arizona's history. The number to call for all this is (602) 542-4174. "Vacation & Camping Central" is located at the State Parks headquarters at 1300 W.... Full story

  • Pools Are The New Balconies - Literally, It Seems

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    A skyscraper under construction in Mumbai (previously known as Bombay), India, not only includes more than 200 apartments, three levels of car parking, a gym and sauna, but it also features pools on the edges of several balconies. Called the Aquaria Grande, the two 37-story towers were designed by architect James Law and the real estate company Wadhwa Group. It's just the latest building to push the boundaries of conventional homes in India. With 228 apartments, the Imperial in Mumbai has two... Full story

  • Lake Havasu City Fights British Attack On London Bridge

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    Imagine being the mayor of Lake Havasu City, Ariz., and coming to work one day to learn that your city's iconic bridge, shipped to this desert oasis and painstakingly reconstructed stone-by-stone in the late 1960s to become Arizona's number-two tourist attraction and reading in a London newspaper that it was, in fact, falling down - just like the nursery rhyme. Such was the case when a concerned citizen returning from a visit to London gave Mayor Mark Nexsen a story in the U.K.'s The Sun that sa... Full story

  • 2015 Arizona Game And Fish Heritage Fund Grants Cycle Now Open

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    Whether you won or lost when you bought a lottery ticket last year, some of your money benefits Arizona's wildlife and students. [So, overall, you won!] That's because the Arizona Game and Fish Department uses some of its Heritage Fund monies that come from Arizona Lottery ticket sales to provide grants for wildlife education and research. This year, more than $410,000 is being awarded to 27 grant projects across Arizona. When combined with matching money from other sources, the projects being... Full story

  • Voluntary Programs More Successful Than Mandatory Bans

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department disagrees with a recent appeal filed by environmental litigants to regulate lead ammunition on the Kaibab National Forest as the solution to lead poisoning in endangered California condors. Three groups that want the U.S. Forest Service to place a mandatory ban on hunting with lead ammunition in northern Arizona lost their original lawsuit against the Kaibab National Forest filed in 2012. Game and Fish intervened in the original lawsuit by the Sierra Club,... Full story

  • Local Heroes Recognized

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    Coast Guard Auxiliary Celebrates 75 Years The Coast Guard Auxiliary celebrated 75 years on June 21 in Sun Lakes, Ariz.,with a formal Birthday Ball. The ball was attended by local auxiliarists, Coast Guard retirees, Arizona Game and Fish officials and Coast Guard leadership from California. The guest speaker of the night was Commander DesaRae Janszen, director of Auxiliary District 11S. Also present was Commander Jeffrey Janzen, deputy director of Sector San Diego. Two of our local auxiliarists,... Full story

  • Arizona State Parks Accepting Grant Applications

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    The National Park Service (NPS) has released guidelines for a new nationwide pilot grant program called the "Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program." The program is for projects that will create or reinvigorate parks and other outdoor recreation spaces in ways that will encourage people, especially youth, to connect or re-connect with the outdoors. Priority will be given to projects located in urbanized communities that are economically disadvantaged and are underserved in terms of... Full story

  • Lake Powell Rises Significantly

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    Lake Powell is rising a foot per day as abundant snowpack in northern Colorado and Wyoming continues to feed the Colorado and Green Rivers. Runoff into Lake Powell that began in earnest in the middle of May and at the beginning of June had reached 60,000 cfs leading to a rapid rise in lake level. That is good news for boaters. The rising water has opened the Castle Rock Cut near Wahweap Marina. There is now safe passage for boats of all sizes including tour boats destined to Rainbow Bridge and... Full story

  • A Three-Part Toast

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    Whether we enjoy the water from a boat, on skis or boards, or as swimmers, there are three major organizations that deserve our appreciation and respect. They ensure that we have the information needed for safety in and around the water, and they are there in emergencies when and if we get into trouble. (There are others as well, but these three are the focus of this article.) We at Western Outdoor Times/Arizona Boating & Watersports toast them all. Arizona Game & Fish Department The Arizona... Full story

  • 'Extra, Extra, Read All About It'


    Our next issue (August/September) of Western Outdoor Times/Arizona Boating & Watersports promises to have something for everyone. Guest editors will be the ever-popular columnists and outdoors enthusiasts Margie and John Anderson. We welcome their contributions and thank them for sharing their editing skills. Other than some editorial specials, this late summer issue will feature New Products - everything from floodlights to macerating pumps to barrel bolts to technology innovations, and more;... Full story

  • Clay Busters Kick Off Cactus Wren

    Marci Welton|Jul 15, 2014

    Ben Avery Clay Busters (BACB) will kick off its Cactus Wren beginning trap league on Thursday, Sept. 4, from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center, located at 5060 W. Skeet Street, PHOENIX, AZ 85086. A nine-week program, it will be held weekly on Thursday evenings, culminating with an Awards Banquet to celebrate the success of the beginning trap shooters on Wednesday, Nov. 5, This program certifies each participant in the NRA Trap Shooting Course of Fire for Shotgun, and teaches the... Full story

  • ASRPA Clay Target Tournament To Celebrate American Freedoms

    Marci Welton|Jul 15, 2014

    Phoenix, AZ - Bring your family on Saturday, September 13th, and enjoy a fun morning shooting clay targets at Ben Avery's Clay Target Center, 5060 W. Skeet Street, Phoenix, AZ, 85086. Hosted by Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association's Shotgun Division, in commemoration of 9/11 and protecting our American freedoms, the event begins with a NRA Day fun shoot for beginners at 8 – 11 AM, and is a great opportunity to try sporting clays with one-on-one shotgun instruction. At 9 AM, the "100 Big B... Full story

  • Ben Avery Begins Its Fall League

    Marci Welton|Jul 15, 2014

    Ben Avery Clay Busters (BACB) will begin its fall league on Wednesday, Sept. 10, from 5-7 p.m.at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center, located at 5060 W. Skeet Street, Phoenix, AZ 85086. Registrations are now open for the organization's eight-week competitions in Trap, Double Trap, International Bunker Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays. Pre-registration will take place on Sept. 3 from 5 -7 p.m. at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center, and team assignments can be obtained at this time. The Fall League... Full story

  • Welcome To Bartlett Lake Marina!

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    WELCOME TO BARTLETT LAKE MARINA! -- Located just 55 minutes from Tempe Town Lake on beautiful Bartlett Lake in the heart of the Tonto National Forest, Bartlett Lake Marina's family atmosphere and beautiful surroundings make it a wonderful location for your friends and family to enjoy an unforgettable Arizona day on the water. For more information or reservations, call (602) 316-3378 or (480) 221-0503. Address for GPS: 20808 E Bartlett Dam Rd, Tonto National Forest, Rio Verde, AZ... Full story

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