Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(64) stories found containing 'bears'

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 64

  • Keep Wildlife Wild Enjoy From A Distance, Eliminate Food Attractants

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2025

    Wildlife has been active in the mild winter climate of Arizona's lower and mid elevations, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department has been receiving increased reports of human-wildlife conflicts in many parts of the state. Here's some recent activity: • The Tucson area has received more than 20 wildlife feeding complaints since August - made all the more concerning in light of the fact that Pima County has seen an uptick in wildlife rabies cases this year. • Pima County is also seeing issues i... Full story

  • Camping Tips For Everyone

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Aug 1, 2024

    Note - All photos courtesy of John and Margie Anderson Camping is the ideal outdoor adventure – it can be inexpensive and close to home, and gets you out in the fresh air and away from the news stories. If you're new to camping, don't feel like you need to go out and buy a bunch of stuff. You can probably borrow a lot of what you need from friends and family, or find used gear online. Find out if your neighborhood or church has a "Buy Nothing" program. Once you sign up, you can get a lot of g... Full story

  • On The Cover July 2024

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    From bears to bison, from trout to turkeys, from fish to falcons, our Arizona wildlife is a plethora of precious beings who share our world. Arizona Game & Fish is a major guardian of this resource, assisted by various species-specific groups and caring individuals. The Wildlife for Tomorrow's Hall of Fame each year recognizes people and organizations who have significantly cared for the environment and those who inhabit it, our wildlife. We congratulate this year's inductees and thank them... Full story

  • Be Bear Aware

    AZGFD|May 1, 2024

    AZGFD offers essential tips for avoiding conflicts. With Arizona's hottest months right around the corner, how black bears forage for typical food sources will become more challenging. As a result, the chances of them wandering into populated areas in search of an easier meal will be on the rise. While bears are typically shy and tend to avoid humans, their excellent sense of smell can be problematic for both the animals and humans. Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) officials advise... Full story

  • Go Lake Havasu

    Go Lake Havasu|Feb 1, 2024

    Go Lake Havasu presents ideas to do just that. The 2007 movie The Bucket List made the term "bucket list" a cultural phenomenon. According to the Internet Movie Database, it's the comedy-drama where Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman play two terminally ill men who escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die. Along Arizona's West Coast, home of the historic London Bridge and 60 miles of Colorado River shoreline, tourism officials like to think... Full story

  • AZGFD Confirms Three Coyote Bites

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2024

    Arizona Game and Fish Department wildlife officers have been actively searching for a coyote or coyotes that have bitten three people since Saturday in the area just east of Interstate 17 and Happy Valley Road in Phoenix. On Saturday, Dec.9 a 4-year-old child was bitten on the lower leg while walking with family members. Also on that Saturday, a man who was jogging in the same area was bitten by a coyote. On Monday, Dec. 11 , a man was bitten on the heel by a coyote south of Happy Valley Road ne... Full story

  • Wildlife Overpass Near Flagstaff

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2024

    Award of $24 million comes from Federal Highway Administration. PHOENIX - The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has awarded Arizona a $24 million grant for a wildlife overpass and other improvements designed to reduce crashes involving wildlife and better connect habitats across Interstate 17 south of Flagstaff in northern Arizona. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), in partnership with the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), sought the grant through FHWA's Wildlife... Full story

  • It's A Veritable Zoo Out There!

    WOT|Nov 1, 2023

    Though it’s thought of as a desert state, Arizona has a surprisingly wide variety of climates that support a wide variety of wildlife from rodents to reptiles, birds and large predators be they common and familiar or the rarest and the strange. Here is information about some of the animals in Arizona. Much of Arizona’s wildlife can be found in its state parks and trails. The state parks include Catalina, Cattail Cove, Lyman Lake, Lost Dutchman, Patagonia Lake, Lake Havasu, the San Rafael Sta... Full story

  • Sustainable Solar Solutions Provide Water for Wildlife and Livestock in Arizona

    AZBW|Sep 1, 2023

    MOBILE, ALA., SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 ––TerrePower, a division of BBB Industries,is helping provide sustainable solar solutions in Arizona. The wildlife and livestock that feed on these dry, desert landscapes often struggle to find natural sources of water. In response to this challenge, a collaborative effort between wildlife experts, conservationists, and ranchers has emerged to ensure the conservation of natural resources and access to water, particularly during the sweltering and dry periods. Acro... Full story

  • Bears

    Jul 1, 2023

    Safety tips can prevent attracting bears and advise what to do in case of an encounter. Editor's Note: In light of the recent tragedy near Prescott, Ariz., we publish this reminder from AZGFD and send sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victim. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has started to receive its first confirmed reports of the year of bear sightings in Arizona. As temperatures rise, bears will come out of their dens searching for food. Black bears are typicall... Full story

  • Be Bear Aware

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2023

    As always, keep food sources unavailable, be aware of your surroundings, and enjoy wildlife from a distance. Many people will be headed to Arizona's high country this weekend, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is reminding outdoor recreationists and residents to be aware of the chance encounter with bears or other native wildlife. The best way to enjoy wildlife is from a safe distance. Bears, in particular, are powerful animals that should always be considered unpredictable and... Full story

  • Coyotes And Other Wildlife

    AZGFD|Jun 1, 2023

    In the aftermath of two recent coyote attacks on toddlers in north Scottsdale, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is reminding residents to help avoid conflicts with wildlife by not feeding them and by not letting them feel comfortable around your home. If a coyote has bitten a person, call 911. Anyone bitten by a coyote should immediately seek medical attention from a qualified healthcare provider. If you encounter a coyote (or other wildlife) that is acting aggressively toward... Full story

  • AZGFD Avoiding Conflicts With Wildlife

    AZGFD|Apr 1, 2023

    In the aftermath of two recent coyote attacks on toddlers in north Scottsdale, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is reminding residents to help avoid conflicts with wildlife by not feeding them and by not letting them feel comfortable around your home. The toddlers were attacked by coyotes in separate incidents two weeks ago and sustained minor injuries. Wildlife officials believe the same coyote was responsible for both attacks. AZGFD personnel searched the area for several days... Full story

  • Ronald Reagan

    WOOT, Western Outdoor Other Times|Nov 1, 2022

    "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven, where they don't need it, and hell where they already have it." - Ronald Reagan "Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.' - Ronald Reagan "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." - Ronald Reagan "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan "Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about... Full story

  • Arizona Game And Fish Watches Wildlife

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2022

    Wild Arizona: 200 Captive Desert Tortoises Need Forever Homes For some, a dog or cat will do just fine. But for others who are considering adopting something truly unique to Arizona, say hello to your next family member: "Many people don't even consider opening up their homes to desert tortoises, but they make fantastic and personable pets," said Tegan Wolf, desert tortoise adoption program coordinator for the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). "It's rewarding to hear stories from those... Full story

  • Williams - Great Family Getaway

    Margie Anderson|Jul 1, 2022

    John and I and Mochi went to Williams again this past week and I've got to tell you, it's one of our favorite places to get away in the summer. It can be a bit warm during the day, but since we spend most of our time in the woods, it's shady, breezy, and wonderful! Camping was amazing. There are plenty of places for dispersed camping along the main roads, so you don't need a 4x4 – although I would recommend high clearance. We have the Jeep, so we took some true 4x4 trails, and that's always a... Full story

  • Austin Deuel

    Carol L Allen

    This Remarkable Man Has Left An Incredible Legacy For Us All Editor's Note: It is difficult to encapsulate the details of the life of this richly talented man who has captured both the horror of war and the beauty of military heroes' service along with the remarkable portraits of the American West. How one man could capture so much history in his works and create so much meaningful beauty is hard to fathom, but Austin Deuel did just that, and we honor him today. We offer a sketch here that only... Full story

  • Danger Outdoors

    Margie Anderson|Sep 1, 2021

    When I was a kid, the only things I worried about when I was camping or hunting were bears and mountain lions. As it happens, I've only seen lions two or three times in my life, and each time the lion was hightailing it away from me. And sad to say, I've never seen a bear in the wild. However, I have had plenty of narrow escapes and a few times when I didn't escape some of the dangers that you might run into when you're enjoying Arizona's great outdoors. Most can be avoided if you simply pay... Full story

  • AZGFD Hauls Water

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2021

    Public can help by texting "SENDWATER" to 41444. Water is the essence of life, and it's just as precious for Arizona's wildlife. As drought conditions continue to worsen across the Southwest, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is preparing for another record-setting year of delivering lifesaving water to thirsty Arizona wildlife. Three Million Gallons AZGFD trucked and airlifted an unprecedented 2.4 million gallons of life-sustaining water to catchments throughout the state in 2020.... Full story

  • AZGFD Water To Thirsty Wildlife

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2021

    Public can help by texting "SENDWATER" to 41444. Water is the essence of life, and it's just as precious for Arizona's wildlife. As drought conditions continue to worsen across the Southwest, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is preparing for another record-setting year of delivering lifesaving water to thirsty Arizona wildlife. AZGFD trucked and airlifted an unprecedented 2.4 million gallons of life-sustaining water to catchments throughout the state in 2020. With little relief in... Full story

  • Camping Tips

    Margie Anderson|Mar 1, 2021

    Camping is a blast – there's nothing quite as nice as sleeping outdoors, watching the fire, roasting marshmallows, and cooking out in the open. Everything seems to taste better outdoors. As I've said before, people who say they don't like camping probably mean that they don't like being uncomfortable all night. Where and how you set up your campsite has a lot to do with how comfortable you're going to be. As a kid, I camped countless times with my dad and siblings, and now John and I camp f... Full story

  • Zoo Lights

    AZBW|Jan 1, 2021

    Cruise Zoolights For the first time in the history of the Phoenix Zoo, experience millions of twinkling lights and dazzling animal sculptures from the comfort of your own vehicle. Start your Cruise ZooLights adventure waving hello to Jengo and Tortuga at the Doornbos Discovery Amphitheater. Then cruise the newly added Outer Tropics Trail and enjoy the festive scenes of Polar Paradise in the Forest of Uco. Then experience the Africa Trail and see the all NEW Wildlife Lantern Safari, featuring 66... Full story

  • Peregrine Falcons

    Peregrine Falcons

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2021

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is getting ready to roll out a new and exciting way to keep people connected with the state's diverse wildlife. In addition to partnering with the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center and Boyce Thompson Arboretum on a virtual speaker wildlife series during the pandemic, the department's Watchable Wildlife Program will be adding mostly critter-based lectures twice each month beginning Jan. 7. The 90-minute lectures will be hosted by AZGFD biologists... Full story

  • AZGFD Assists Thirsty Wildlife

    AZGFD|Oct 1, 2020

    Public can help by texting "SENDWATER" to 41444. Water is the essence of life, and it's just as precious for Arizona's wildlife. For that reason, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has trucked and airlifted about 250,000 gallons of life-sustaining water to catchments throughout the state since January. Trail cameras document the results of this critical work, with footage of elk, deer, bighorn sheep and other species leaning over for a refreshing drink at one of 3,000 catchments... Full story

  • Tips For Outdoors Enthusiasts

    AZBW|Aug 1, 2020

    If you're planning to head outdoors for the holiday weekend, check out these tips from the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). Whether you're new to outdoor recreation or looking for a quick refresher, these tips will help you enjoy your time outside safely and responsibly. Always Have A Plan Check the status of the area you want to visit, including the traffic conditions for your trip, before heading out. Have an alternative in mind in case conditions or crowding become an issue. Think...

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