Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Articles from the September 1, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 52

  • Contrasts

    Carol L Allen|Sep 1, 2015

    One of the things we have enjoyed most during our 10 years of publication is the variety of ways to savor the wonders of our outdoors. For example, shown are these two totally contrasting watercraft, each with a unique purpose and method of helping us enjoy our time on the waterways. The painting by our friend Debbie Huntsman, Lake Ponchatrain Women's Sailing Association, shows the quiet dignity and gentle pleasure enjoyed on sail craft. The other shows us (Jim and Carol Allen) aboard The... Full story

  • Grants Available To Help Pay For Visiting-Boater Facilities

    Boat U.S.|Sep 1, 2015

    Visiting boaters, whether staying over for just one night or a couple weeks, offer real economic benefits and add to the vitality of waterfront communities, marinas and boat clubs. But laying out the welcome mat can be challenging. Transient boat docks that are protected and safe for overnight tie-ups, deep-water channels, restrooms, and pumpouts - just some of the infrastructure necessary to draw visiting boaters - can be expensive. However, the Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) program from... Full story

  • Operator Attention Key To Boating Safety

    AZGFD|Sep 1, 2015

    Arizona waterways are teeming with activity and the Arizona Game and Fish Department reminds all boaters to ensure a safe boating experience by remaining vigilant when out on the water. The reminder comes after a boat operator on Lake Mohave accidentally reversed the boat and struck a man with the boat’s propeller on Saturday. The man died of his injuries. “Our thoughts go out to the family of those impacted by this horrible accident,” said Josh Hoffman, AZGFD Boat Safety Education coord... Full story

  • Life Jacket Exchange Successful At Lake Havasu City

    AZGFD|Sep 1, 2015

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department recently held a life-jacket exchange event at London Bridge beach in Lake Havasu City. Boaters with tattered and worn ski-vest type III life jackets could exchange them for new ones at the lake. The program helps to ensure boaters head out onto the water with life jackets that will keep them safe while on the state's waterways. A Life - Perhaps Your Own - Could Be Saved "It's not enough to simply have a life jacket accessible; it must also still have enough b... Full story

  • Happy 225th Birthday, United States Coast Guard

    USCG|Sep 1, 2015

    Today we pay tribute to your past. I am even more excited about your future. As your service Secretary, I have had the first-hand privilege to support and witness the recapitalization of the Coast Guard's fleet of vessels. I have experienced the excitement of stepping on board a shining new National Security Cutter. I receive daily reports of the good work the Coast Guard performs in law enforcement, maritime security and national security. Most important, we should all be impressed by the... Full story

  • Going 'Virtual': How Do You Want Your Aids To Navigation?

    USCG|Sep 1, 2015

    For recreational boaters, the waterway signposts known as aids to navigation are critical for a safe journey. But, what if an aid to navigation (ATON) such as a floating buoy marking the edge a deep-water channel could only be seen on an electronic screen and not by the naked eye? Will recreational boaters benefit from these new “eATONs”? That’s the question the US Coast Guard wants to find out with a 25-question online survey at www.surveymonkey.com/s/21stCenturyWaterways. A full look at the i... Full story

  • Bait Worked Well

    Wayne Gustaveson|Sep 1, 2015

    Brothers Jackson (10, right) and Vance (8, left) caught some large stripers while fishing with bait along Lake Powell?s shady canyon walls first thing in the morning. Striper boils get the most attention now, but fishing with bait in the shade is a good way to spend time while waiting for evening boils to emerge.... Full story

  • Lake Powell Fish Report

    Wayne Gustaveson|Sep 1, 2015

    http://www.wayneswords.com Striper boils reported last week were visited by more happy anglers this week. Stripers did not disappoint - if the proper rules were followed. Stripers feed on their own schedule when in these bonus days of high shad numbers. The prime feeding time over the length of the lake was the last two hours of daylight. Major feeding events were described by lucky anglers as "covering 20 surface acres, continuing for hours, full of big fish, and totally satisfying." Those who... Full story

  • Get Ready; Get Set

    Don McDowell, Shake Rattle and Troll|Sep 1, 2015

    Shake, Rattle & Troll Radio When preparing for a saltwater excursion, here are a few suggestions of things that I've learned the hard way of not having to have in my gear bag. First of all, a couple of heads-up items - Be Advised Valid photo I.D. is required for all passengers including minors at the landing office when checking in for your vessel. Passports are mandatory for Mexican waters; verify with the landing if you need your passport prior to booking the trip. School ID, birth certificate... Full story

  • AZGFD Mid-August Report

    AZGFD|Sep 1, 2015

    Tip Of The Week Two "old reliable" summer high-country lakes are Kinnickinick and Ashurst lakes near Flagstaff. Kinnickinick Lake is spring-fed, but it is best fished from float tube, canoe or kayak this time of year. Ashurst may not provide the most scenic high-country escape, but it can be one of the more productive ones. It also has some pike (please catch-and-keep all you can to help this fishery). The Reel Deal Hot desert nights are made for bottom dwellers - catfish and carp. Relax on the... Full story

  • 15-Time Junior Angler Champion

    WOT|Sep 1, 2015

    Thomas Orozco, 15, of Union City, Calif., placed first in his age division at the International Game Fish Association Young Anglers Tournament held at Shelter Island Pier in San Diego, Calif., on August 8. Orozco caught and released calico bass, sand bass and mackerel during the three-hour tournament in which 125 kids ages 6-15 participated. This summer young Orozco also won the IGFA Marin Rod & Gun Club Pier Tournament in San Rafael, Calif., on August 1, during which he caught this rare... Full story

  • Attention Anglers:

    AZBW|Sep 1, 2015

    As of May 27, 2015, new regulations mandate that all passengers fishing within 12 miles of Mexico’s coast and their islands must possess a valid passport. This applies to ¾ day and full-day Coronado Islands/Baja coastal trips. No other form of ID will be accepted. This does not apply to freelance/offshore trips.... Full story

  • I Can't Tune A Piano, But I Can Tuna Fish?

    Don McDowell|Sep 1, 2015

    The San Diego-based sport fishing continues to boat good numbers of blue fin, yellow fin, yellow tail and dorado within U.S. waters. The anglers are coming, the boats are going, and the fish are biting. Solid numbers of migratory tuna are being caught on ¾ and one-day and multi-day trips. Blue and yellow fin in the 20-30-pounds class are hanging close to the California coast. Abruptly in the middle of the average-sized “fins’” bite, the mayhem erupts with 100-200 pounds-grade yellow and blue fin... Full story

  • Brand New Tournament Circuit To Debut In The West

    Sep 1, 2015

    The West is finally getting a great tournament circuit with 100 percent payback, championships with prize boats, and television coverage of every tournament. It's about time! For years I've heard guys say that if you want to fish a decent circuit, Arizona is not the place to be. Well, they can't say that any more. The Wild West Bass Trail debuts in 2016, and per their Facebook page, "our objective is to provide anglers the ability to participate in elite bass tournaments with the highest... Full story

  • Jack Schmier Is A Master Knife Craftsman

    Diane DeHamer|Sep 1, 2015

    DeHamer is a Feature Writer. This article was reprinted with permission from The Chino Valley Review. Most countries in this world have a knife related to their history - machetes for jungle work in South America, bolo knives from the Philippines, and America's Bowie knife which was hand crafted. In fact, anyone wanting the best knives of today must look to the skill of an expert craftsman. Jack Schmier of Chino Valley is one of those master craftsman, and has been hand crafting knives since... Full story

  • Teaching Your Kids To Shoot

    John Anderson|Sep 1, 2015

    The absolute best way to keep your children safe around guns is to teach them about guns. We keep our guns locked in a gun safe, but we have also taught our children, and now our grandchildren, how to use guns. They know that if a friend displays a gun or even talks about having a gun, they are to go immediately to a responsible adult and let them know. This is not tattling - it's saving a life. I wouldn't let my granddaughter use my table saw without teaching her the safety rules and... Full story

  • Campout Program Opens Fall Registration

    ASP|Sep 1, 2015

    Have you ever wanted to bring your family camping but weren't sure where to start? The Arizona Family Campout Program is a unique program designed for families who have little or no experience camping. During an activity-filled weekend, families will be introduced to new adventures, learning to camp at one of their favorite State Parks, inspiring them to continue to explore the great outdoors. Let our trained camp coordinators introduce your family to new outdoor adventures, while you create a... Full story

  • Hiking Essentials

    Margie Anderson|Sep 1, 2015

    I've been telling you about a lot of great hikes lately, and hiking is one of my favorite outdoor activities. Because I've been hiking and hunting for so many years, I've learned a thing or two about what to carry. Thing is, you want to be prepared because you could be miles from the car with no cell service, but you don't want to lug around a lot of extra weight. I am always the one with the backpack on our family adventures, and I sure don't want that thing heavier than it needs to be. So,... Full story

  • Find Your Park And Enjoy Two Fee-Free Days

    GCNP|Sep 1, 2015

    The National Park Service turned 99 years old on Aug. 25. In preparation for next year's big centennial celebration, the National Park Service is inviting everyone to Find Your Park (http://findyourpark.com/). To encourage people to discover everything a park experience can be, there is a fun list of 99 ways to Find Your Park (http://findyourpark.com/news/99-ways-to-find-your-park). Grand Canyon is a great place to try #32 - celebrate Native American heritage, #68 - walk a trail, or #79 - see a... Full story

  • ArtPlace America Awards $500,000 Grant

    GCNP|Sep 1, 2015

    ArtPlace America recently announced that the American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA), on behalf of the tribal heritage project partnership, received a grant of $500,000 to further arts and culture at Desert View in Grand Canyon National Park. The grant will transform Desert View into a place to celebrate, share, and learn about inter-tribal cultural heritage. Preservation Of Murals AIANTA, along with Grand Canyon National Park and the park's Inter-tribal Advisory Council... Full story

  • Forest Service Changes Tonto National Forest Recreation Fees

    AZBW|Sep 1, 2015

    Tonto National Forest officials are changing recreation fees at campgrounds, day-use sites, boat launches, and shoreline areas beginning on January 1, 2016. In 2004, Congress passed the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) that allows the Forest Service to collect and retain 95 percent of fees at certain recreation sites and use those funds locally to operate, maintain and enhance these sites. To see what fees have been collected and how the fees have been spent, go to the Annual... Full story

  • Tularemia ('Rabbit Fever') Confirmed in Coconino County

    AZBW|Sep 1, 2015

    The Coconino County Public Health Services District (CCPHSD), in collaboration with the Arizona Department of Health Services, announced recently that two human cases of tularemia (also known as rabbit fever or deer fly fever) were recently confirmed in Coconino County. The two individuals were likely exposed from insect bites. Both have received treatment and are recovering. Eight Cases In Ten Years In the past decade, there have been eight human cases of tularemia from Navajo, Coconino and... Full story

  • Cruise On Down To The 66th Annual Coconino County Fair

    AZBW|Sep 1, 2015

    Cruise on Down to the 66th Annual Coconino County Fair, at historic Fort Tuthill County Park during Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 4-7, presented by Findlay Toyota Flagstaff. The County Fair is truly a community event where adult and youth community members exhibit animals and handicrafts, and people of all ages enjoy the various entertainment acts, carnival rides and games. Visitors may purchase regular price admission tickets online or during the Coconino County Fair; regular priced admission ticket... Full story

  • Get Your Yards Ready To Adopt A New Pet

    AZGFD|Sep 1, 2015

    Are you fascinated by reptiles? Do you have a yard big enough for a dog, but no time to take one for daily walks? Is someone in your family allergic to pets with fur or feathers? If so, consider adopting a desert tortoise through the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The department's Tortoise Adoption Program has over 40 tortoises to adopt out to homes in the Phoenix, Yuma and Prescott areas prior to the animals' going into hibernation this fall. Desert tortoises will be available to... Full story

  • Anatomy Of Deception

    John Koleszar|Sep 1, 2015

    It is time for a true survey, one that has credentials of being unbiased and one that polls people in the thousands, not just 300. The Defenders of Wildlife, the Sierra Club and a whole group of other pro-wolf advocates have been showing up at public meetings since last fall, proclaiming that "More than 70 percent of Arizonans want more wolves. While the figures alone were stunning, the wolf advocates were constantly harping about heeding the demands of the population. After hearing this litany... Full story

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