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Ben Avery Clay Target Center

Desert Roses Too Are Set To Bloom

Everything is coming up roses for the women's shotgun shooting program at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center.

Desert Roses, Too, is a new level of the program for women who want to learn about advanced shotgun shooting. Participants are meeting every second and fourth Thursday of each month. A $10 registration fee includes eye and ear protection, loaner shotguns, ammunition and clay targets.

Desert Roses, Too is the big sister to Desert Roses, the introductory level of the program that meets every first and third Thursday of each month (a $10 registration fee also applies). There is no requirement to complete Desert Roses before registering for Desert Roses, Too.

"We want to retain newer shooters who go through Desert Roses - we didn't offer anything past those classes," said Mark Williams, program coordinator. "The goal is to keep them coming back."

Women will learn in-depth techniques (more than how to shoot a shotgun) in the advanced program, including eye coordination, various stances, different methods of breaking targets and shooting games.

Classes are limited to 50 participants. To register for Desert Roses, visit http://www.azgfd.gov/desertroses. To register for Desert Roses, Too, visit http://www.azgfd.gov/desertrosestoo. For more information, call (623) 434-8119.

Also, view a video about the program that recently appeared on 3TV/CBS 5 at https://tinyurl.com/ya3mm4cm.


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