Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Congratulations Are In Order

Congratulations to the recent inductees to the Outdoor Hall of Fame by Wildlife for Tomorrow, including some folks we know from Hunting And Angling Heritage Workshop Group (HAHWG) and other ventures. It’s great to see you recognized, and thank you for all you do.


Richard Sprague, owner Sprague’s Sports in Yuma

Jim Unmacht, president of the Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation http://www.arizonasportsmenforwildlifeconservation.org/,

Terry and Marge Abbott, Rio Salado Sportsman's Club, (SCTP)

Sempra U.S. Gas and Power, tremendous supporter of the Wildlife for Tomorrow Foundation

Kevin and Patti O’Connell, deeply involved with Ducks Unlimited in Arizona


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