Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Roadwork Prompts Closure Of Ben Avery Shooting Facility Archery Range

Week-Long Project Is Targeted For Nov. 12-19

PHOENIX — Archers can expect a smoother ride down Archery Drive when the Ben Avery Shooting Facility’s archery range reopens Friday, Nov. 20.

In order to complete more than $300,000 in roadway improvements, the archery range will be closed to the general public Nov. 12 through Nov. 19. A portion of the project is being funded through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration (WSFR) program, a stalwart national funding source for state conservation and recreational opportunities, which includes the development and enhancement of archery ranges.

Michael Rogers, range master for the Ben Avery Shooting Facility’s Clay Target Center and archery range, said the arrival of cooler temperatures and a seasonal break in an otherwise busy events schedule provide the best opportunity for crews to complete the much-needed project.

“The road has been a moonscape for a long time – you can’t drive five feet without hitting a pothole,” Rogers said. “This has caused discontent with our customers, and we’re hoping this short closure will minimize any inconvenience.”

Located on 1,650 acres in north Phoenix, the Ben Avery Shooting Facility is one of the nation’s largest publicly-operated shooting facilities, drawing more than 120,000 shooters each year. A City of Phoenix “Point of Pride,” the facility has received a five-star rating from the National Association of Shooting Ranges.

For more information about the Ben Avery Shooting Facility, visit http://www.azgfd.gov and click on “Shooting,” or call 623-582-8313.


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