Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Articles written by Ed Huntsman

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 22 of 22

  • It's That Time of Year - Ed Huntsman

    Capt. Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Jun 1, 2024

    Publishers Note: We realize that we ran this story in our April issue. We feel that it is a timely and important message. Thank you Ed. Have you completed your National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved state boater education course yet? If you're a California resident, effective January 1st, 2024 a NASBLA approved California course is required for any California resident age 60 and under. The course is available online, in a classroom or through home study. More... Full story

  • Buying A Gift For A Boater?

    Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Dec 1, 2023

    You are in luck! There is never a challenge when shopping for a gift for the boater(s) in your life. Whether your recipient sails, operates a powerboat, PWC, enjoys paddle-sports on a Stand-up paddle board, in a canoe or a kayak, chances are they are always in need of something that will enhance their day, safety or activity. Some Ideas If they’re not dropping any hints for you and you’re not comfortable asking them what they’d like, you might give their watercraft and equipment / gear a look... Full story

  • Women Set Sail On Lake Pleasant In November

    Capt. Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Oct 1, 2023

    WHO: Tumbleweed Sailing (Lake Pleasant, Arizona) & National Women's Sailing Association WHAT: WOWazr! (Women on the Water Zonie Regatta) presented by Tumbleweed Sailing Friday through Sunday, Nov. 3-5 at the Maricopa County Desert Outdoor Center (https://youtu.be/iJ25KkJHJaM) near Pleasant Harbor Marina located north of Phoenix, Ariz. Tumbleweed Sailing offers identically prepared Catalina 25 Fin Keel boats available for unlimited annual use for a fraction of what it would cost to own, dock,... Full story

  • Long Beach Yacht Club Hosting Annual International Safety at Sea Course

    Capt. Ed Huntsman|Sep 1, 2023

    By Cameron MacLaren Long Beach Yacht Club is preparing for their annual US Sailing sanctioned International Safety at Sea course February 17-18, 2024. Participants may choose acomplete in-person two-day course; or a hands-on (Sunday only) course AFTER they've completed the 15 module online course, or a refresher / update if they've completed a sanctioned International course within the last 10 years. An impressive line up of seasoned and experienced presenters are scheduled to conduct the... Full story

  • So, What's a Boater To Do?!

    Capt. Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Aug 1, 2023

    Protect yourself and your guests - It's still hot! And September doesn't look like it's going to be much cooler. As a matter of fact, many areas in the Southwest – especially the Phoenix area of the Northern Sonora Desert are generally much warmer than other areas of the country. Unseasonably Hot Both Southern and Northern California, Utah, Southern Nevada, in fact the entire lower Colorado basin is definitely unseasonably hot. This is the hottest summer on record since the National Weather s... Full story

  • Boating Navigation Rules In Arizona

    Capt. Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Jul 1, 2023

    Not surprising that if you "know" the navigation rules on the waterway upon which you're boating, it's easy to spot those that don't. In fact, many boaters don't even know they exist, let alone what they are and that we are all legally responsible to know and understand them. Part of the reason there's confusion is that unless you've completed a National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved boating safety education course or you've "heard" about the NAV Rules somewhe... Full story

  • VHF Marine Band Radio – How Do I Use It?

    Capt. Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Jul 1, 2023

    It never fails – every time I’m on the water, be it on a powerboat, and sailboat or paddling I always hear a boater doing a radio check. And frequently, others demonstrating their total lack of understanding on proper radio procedure by engaging in two-minute plus conversations on channel 16 while everyone else listens in –- not unlike the person speaking loudly on their cell phone in a restaurant.Many apparently justdon’t understand, or have not taken the time to learn how to properly use their... Full story

  • Weather Smart

    Capt. Ed Huntsman|Jun 1, 2023

    Non-boat owner friends often comment just after boarding our boat in San Diego about the traffic on our VHF marine radio offering up the latest weather information. More than one frequently remark about what a beautiful day it is – so what's up with the weather concern? Capt Debbie and I are quick to remind them that while the sun may be shinning now and the breeze is gentle, the Southern California coastal weather can change rapidly. And we take advantage of the moment to educate our guests t... Full story

  • Boating Safety

    Ed Huntsman|Apr 1, 2023

    It never fails – every time I'm on the water, be it on a powerboat, and sailboat or paddling I always hear a boater doing a radio check. And frequently, others demonstrating their total lack of understanding on proper radio procedure by engaging in 2 minute plus conversations on channel 16 while everyone else listens in – not unlike the person speaking loudly on their cell phone in a restaurant.Many apparently justdon't understand, or have not taken the time to learn how to properly use the... Full story

  • Boating And Water Safety

    Capt. Ed Huntsman|Nov 1, 2022

    Capt. Ed Huntsman US Coast Guard Licensed Captain Member, US Sailing Safety at Sea Committee Why is safety such a hard sell? Why should water and boating safety officials across the country even have to try? Its always interesting that those most interested in the topic are rarely, if ever, those that would most benefit from learning about it and adopting the culture. As I sit here writing this article, I just finished reading a Coast Guard notification regarding a 65-year-old fisherman who... Full story

  • Boating And Water Safety

    Ed Huntsman|Oct 1, 2022

    Fisherman is missing; was he wearing a life jacket? Why is safety such a hard sell? Why should water and boating safety officials across the country even have to try? Its always interesting that those most interested in the topic are rarely, if ever, those that would most benefit from learning about it and adopting the culture. As I sit here writing this article, I just finished reading a Coast Guard notification regarding a 65-year-old fisherman who went missing in Texas a few nights back.... Full story

  • Recreational Boating Safety

    Ed Huntsman|Jul 1, 2018

    This story is intended to serve as a general resource for recreational boating safety information. Should an issue or topic not be addressed here, feel free to contact Ed Huntsman, the District Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) Program manager, via email at Edward.L.Huntsman@uscg.mil or by telephone at 504-671-2148. FILE A FLOAT PLAN Why should you take the time to prepare a float plan? The answer is simple - there are just too many facts that need to be accurately remembered and ultimately... Full story

  • Recreational Boating Safety

    Ed Huntsman, Eighth Coast Guard District|Jun 1, 2017

    This page is intended to serve as a general resource for recreational Federal Requirements boating safety information. Should an issue or topic not be addressed here, feel free to contact Ed Huntsman, the District Recreational Federal Requirements Federal Requirements Boating Safety (RBS) Program Manager, via email at Edward.L.Huntsman@uscg.milEdward.L.Huntsman or by telephone at 504-671-2148. Here are a few “hot” links that will provide you the information necessary to comply with the law. The... Full story

  • Boaters Urged To Be Safe In 2016

    Ed Huntsman, USCG District Eight Recreational Boating Safety Program Manager|Feb 1, 2016

    Recent rain and snow storms' bringing both snowpack up north and flooding across the West and Midwest have many thinking that water levels in surrounding lakes and rivers will be increasing as the year progresses. Add lower gas prices to the mix and boaters will be coming back to the water this spring in droves. Power boaters, sailors, paddlers - many will be ill prepared to deal with the problems of a sudden spring or summer storm that this record-breaking El Nino season will be offering. Time... Full story

  • Boaters Urged To Be Safe In 2016

    Ed Huntsman, USCG District Eight Recreational Boating Safety Program Manager|Jan 1, 2016

    Recent rain and snow storms bringing both snowpack up north and flooding across the west and mid-west have many thinking that water levels in surrounding lakes and rivers will be increasing as the year progresses. Add lower gas prices to the mix and boaters will be coming back to the water this spring in droves. Power boaters, sailors, paddlers - many will be ill prepared to deal with the problems of a sudden spring or summer storm that this record breaking El Nino season will be offering. If yo... Full story

  • Stubborn About Safety

    Ed Huntsman|Nov 1, 2015

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  • On The Cover

    Ed Huntsman|Mar 15, 2015

    Ed Huntsman is the Recreational Boating Safety Program Manager, United States Coast Guard, Eighth Coast Guard District. As spring approaches, temperatures rise, and ice melts, paddlesports enthusiasts begin to contemplate their first paddle-trip. But, before grabbing the canoe, kayak or SUP for that first trip, Eighth Coast Guard District boating-safety program manager Ed Huntsman wants to offer a few tips to ensure your safe return after an enjoyable trip. Know Basic Safety Skills How to... Full story

  • Ideas For Boaters

    Ed Huntsman, United States Coast Guard|Jan 15, 2015

    Eighth District's Recreational Boating Safety Program Manager, United States Coast Guard Need gift ideas for your favorite boater? Even though the traditional gift-giving holidays are over for now, there are always special occasions when presents are in order. When they come around, give a gift of life. Following are a few ideas that may end up ensuring your boater is around for the holidays next year. Coast-Guard Approved Life Jacket First on your list should be a comfortable Coast Guard... Full story

  • Navigation Lights - Not!

    Ed Huntsman, United States Coast Guard|Jun 15, 2013

    Those in charge of inspections and compliance directives encourage widest distribution. The Coast Guard has recently become aware of the uninspected towing-vessel industry’s using inappropriate navigation lights that fail to meet the criteria for use onboard any vessel; SEACHOICE Products LED Navigation Light, SCP #03201. Online research shows many outlets for the sale of this product. It is possible that this product may be in widespread use in the recreational boating industry as well. The SEA... Full story

  • Did Santa Bring You A PWC? Take A Boating-Safety Class Before Hitting The Water!

    Ed Huntsman, U.S. Coast Guard, District 8|May 15, 2013

    If you got a personal watercraft (PWC) for the holidays, the U.S. Coast Guard urges you to take a boating-safety education class before you hit the water this summer. PWCs are an affordable way for people to get out and enjoy the numerous waterways that are available to boaters. "Operators need to keep in mind though, that personal watercraft are like any other watercraft. Whether it be a fishing boat, ski boat, or PWC, the key to safe and prudent use lies with the operator," says Ed Huntsman,... Full story

  • As Boating Season Begins Again

    Ed Huntsman, USCG - District Eight Recreational Boating Safety Program Manager|Feb 15, 2013

    A boating accident, often resulting in property damage, personal injury, or more tragically a death, is a terrible way to introduce anyone to the world of boating and water-related recreational activity. 2011, the most current year for which we have Coast Guard annual statistics, was the most catastrophic year since 1998 in the United States for boating-related deaths, injuries and property damage. We now have an opportunity to change our behavior and avoid becoming a similar statistic for last... Full story

  • Vessel Lighting

    Ed Huntsman, Formerly With AZGFD|Oct 15, 2012

    A boater is quite right about only needing a flashlight or lantern for a (non-mechanized) boat less than 7 meters (23 feet). However, if the boat has machinery (a motor — even a trolling motor) on board, according to A.R.S. Title Five, which is what “Officer Friendly” out at the lake in Arizona enforces, you'll need running lights if you're out between sunset and sunrise, or operating in restricted (rain, dust or the like) visibility: 5-333. Classification of watercraft; lights A. Water...

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