A Winning Combination - Fireworks And Our Flag
Salute 'Old Glory'
George M. Cohen said it well in the song he composed: " You're a grand old flag; you're a high-flying flag, and forever in peace may you wave; you're the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave... "
June 14 we are reminded of this on Flag Day and again on Independence Day, July 4. Even in disturbing times like these, there is hope that all that Old Glory has symbolized will prevail.
In celebration of our nation's independence, the folks at Lake Pleasant Harbor invite you to their annual fireworks display on July 3 -- an incredible salute, vividly reflected in the water.
So, to our readers, we wish you a meaningful Flag Day this month and a Happy, Safe, 4th of July.
Note: Read more about "Old Glory" on our Veterans' page 16 in this issue.
BOATING - Get ready for the season.
DOWNSTREAM - Spring into summer.
LAND CRUISING - We're 'On the Road Again' with the Anderson's.
TACKLE & TARGET - Article 2 rules are in focus.
WESTERN WILDLIFE - Leave the babies alone.
Don't Miss These
A Legacy Of Safety - Thank you, Ed Huntsman.
Celebrate At Pleasant - Independence Day fireworks light-up the lake.
Be Mindful - Give desert tortoises right of way.
Important Dates
June 14: Flag Day
June 16: Father's Day
June 20: First Day Of Summer
July 4: Independence Day
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