Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

On The Cover January 2024

2024 Promises More

More revelry at the Renaissance Festival,

More safety for drivers and elk,

More awards for positive outdoor activities and supporters,

More trout in community waters,

More places to explore, and

More focus on the Second Amendment.

This issue celebrates the "newsy New Year" that is ahead of us. This month the Arizona Game & Fish Commission honors those individuals who have excelled in their support for wildlife and outdoor concerns.

In February, the annual chance to step back in time at the Ren Fair begins . Soon, highways will be safer for both wildlife and drivers because of new overpasses and other structures on I-17. Whenever you have a desire to just take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, check in with Margie Anderson for a refreshing road trip idea.

And, last but certainly not least, read carefully the letter from Tim Rafferty affirming the importance of the Second Amendment and a chance to celebrate and protect its promise.


BOATING - Even in Arizona, do a winter boat check.

DOWNSTREAM - Happy New Year!

LAND CRUISING - We're on the road again with Margie.

TACKLE & TARGET - The welcome mat is out for the trout.

WESTERN WILDLIFE - Be careful of the coyotes.


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