Fire managers have been taking advantage of continued warm, dry weather conditions over the next several weeks and may initiate additional prescribed fires on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.
Working as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program, fire managers from Grand Canyon National Park and the Kaibab National Forest planned to start the Bright Angel Prescribed Fire (Rx) in the first week of December. The Bright Angel Rx, located near the North Rim developed area, is comprised primarily of ponderosa pine and patches of mixed conifer forest. This project will treat about 70 acres of the 400-acre size unit.
Objectives of the Bright Angel Rx include reducing the accumulation of forest fuels in the area to protect life and property from wildfire, aiding in the preservation of historic structures and archaeological sites, and helping to restore the North Rim developed area cultural landscape.
Fire managers may also initiate pile burns in the North Rim developed area. Piles consists of small diameter trees, branches, and twigs removed during hazardous fuel reduction projects intended to improve defensible space within the wildland urban interface (WUI) at the North Rim.
These Rx fires may show some activity for several weeks, depending on weather conditions and fuel moisture levels. Smoke may be seen from the South Rim, Arizona Highway 64, and US Highway 89. Smoke may settle in the canyon overnight in Roaring Springs Canyon, Cottonwood Campground, and Phantom Ranch.
All prescribed fires are subject to approval by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality- Smoke Management Division. For more information, visit
As a reminder, the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park and Arizona Highway 67 are closed for the season.
Additional information about prescribed fires in Grand Canyon National Park and on the Kaibab National Forest is available at; Kaibab National Forest fire information phone line (928) 635-8311; text message – text ‘follow kaibabnf’ to 40404; and at
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