Contact: Jim Allen
Phone: 480/947-6219
Scottsdale, AZ 85257 United States
Arizona Boating & Watersports / Western Outdoor Times publications have won four awards.
2008 – Arizona Game & Fish Commission Media of The Year Award
2010 – National Water Safety Congress Award of Merit
2013 – Arizona Game & Fish Commission Media of The Year Award
2016 – Arizona Game & Fish Commission Outdoor Writer of The Year Award
Arizona Boating & Watersports / Western Outdoor Times publications include:
Arizona Boating & Watersports / Western Outdoor Times – Print
Arizona Boating & Watersports – Web
Florida Boating & Watersports – Web
Western Outdoor Times – Web – Online Subscription
AZBW / WOT Daily – Worldwide Email Newsletter – Great Lead Source – Subscribe
Rock The Boat – Boat Conservation Project
Supporting Our Publications – Over the years we have appeared on numerous radio shows and been regular guest hosts on several. We have taken our publications to outdoor shows and events.
Contact: Don McDowell
Phone: (623) 221-7655
P.O. Box 5791
6328 W. Brown Street
Glendale, AZ 85312 United States
Don McDowell Outdoors
Don McDowell, Arizona native, is an avid outdoorsman and has been an active bass pro fisherman for over 16 years and in the past 15 years has developed his own radio show promoting bass fishing and conservation efforts for bass fishing that escalated to nominations with several bass groups and organizations.
In the past 12 years, Don has pursued his conservation agenda through AZBFN-TBF as Conservation Director and with the Arizona Game and Fish Department, in the spring of 2014 redesigned his website to include those efforts highlighted below and has increased the AZGFD exposure, public education of the AZGFD and Commission issues on his radio show and website soliciting local and national support for Arizona. 2014 has seen the founding of SRT Outdoors, Inc., 501 C3 organization, “Not for Profit, for Conservation” which is concentrating on grants for mitigating the effects of Gizzard Shad on Roosevelt lake thorough habitat enhancement, Florida Strain Bass stocking, lakes bottom mapping, etc. and feral hog research.
Challenged AmericaIn addition SRTO is retrofitting a 42’ Grand Banks Trawler, twin diesel powered, to accommodate wheel chair bound veteran on the saltwater to learn and enjoy the saltwater fishing experience. The vessel “Challenged America” has handicap ramps, head, full galley and USCG certified crew and expert deck hands to mentor and care for the veterans. The “Challenged” America” is certified as a USCG Certified Facility to assist in USCG AUX patrols in Sector San Diego during down times, off season or on an as needed basis.
(623) 221-7655
Glendale, AZ
Contact: Jim Allen
Phone: 480/947-6219
Scottsdale, AZ 85257 United States
Florida Boating & Watersports is a sister publication of Arizona Boating & Watersports and Western Outdoor Times. These publications have been the recipients of four awards.
2008 – Arizona Game & Fish Commission Media of The Year Award
2010 – National Water Safety Congress Award of Merit
2013 – Arizona Game & Fish Commission Media of The Year Award
2016 – Arizona Game & Fish Commission Outdoor Writer of The Year Award
Arizona Boating & Watersports publications include –
Arizona Boating & Watersports – Print and Web (example issues)
Western Outdoor Times – Web – Online Subscription
And now we are proud to announce the addition of –
Florida Boating & Watersports – Web
Supporting Our Publications – Over the years we have appeared on numerous radio shows and been regular guest hosts on several. We have taken our publications to outdoor shows and events.
We have a monthly print issue, three Web sites and a newsletter.
We print around 5,000 copies of the print issue. This number is increased depending on the events we will be attending during a particular month. This is distributed primarily in Arizona. There is an online version that is available on each of our Web sites. The free copies that are distributed are on newsprint. We also have a glossy version available for sale.
Our Web sites are updated frequently throughout each month.
Our newsletter reaches over 7,000 and is sent as incoming information warrants. Our newsletter reaches a world wide audience.
Thank you.
Jim & Carol Allen
Arizona Boating and Watersports /Florida Boating and Watersports /Western Outdoor Times
Emphasizing Safety And Conservation
Boating – Camping – Events – Fishing – Rving – Shooting Sports – Watersports – Wildlife
Scottsdale, AZ
Contact: Alicia Grajeda
Phone: 638 383 6325
P.O. Box 887
Lukeville, AZ 85341 United States
Alicia Grajeda
Rocky Point Times Newspaper
Office located on Ave. Agustin Melgar (Off of Samuel Ocaña).
Mexico (011-52-638) 383-6325
VOIP (480) 463-6255
P.O. Box 887
Lukeville, AZ 85341
Contact: Jim Allen
Phone: 480/947-6219
Scottsdale, AZ 85257 United States
Outdoor enthusiasts have been familiar with Arizona Boating & Watersports news magazine. However, as the publication expanded its coverage to include camping, fishing, hunting, RVing, safety and wildlife, it was felt the name needed to reflect growth into new and varied content. Therefore, Western Outdoor Times now appears above the parent name Arizona Boating & Watersports, the original branding of the paper.