Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Waste Not

Does Your Boat 'Say' What it's Supposed To?

Series: Boating Safety | Story 32

BoatUS Foundation offers required trash, oil, waste placard decals for just $5 each.

Every new boat comes adorned with a plethora of warning labels for just about everything from obvious hazards to what a tow pylon should be used for. Did you know there are labels that can help remind you and your guests to keep our waters clean and ensure you are on the right side of the law?

Boats new or old and 26 feet or greater must have written trash overboard and oil discharge placards "prominently posted" to remind you and your crew what can be thrown overboard and what can't. A third waste management placard about how garbage is to be collected and stored aboard is required for boats 40-feet or greater. All three are available for just $5 each (or $13 for the set of 3) from the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water for at BoatUSFoundation.givingfuel.com/ecommerce. Shipping is included, and purchases support the boating nonprofit's mission to support clean waters.

"These placard decals can be the reminder you and your crew need when out on the water or working on your boat," said BoatUS Foundation director of boating safety Ted Sensenbrenner. "Having them aboard in locations where they will be seen says a lot about how you treat the environment."

The Foundation placards are U.S. Coast Guard-compliant and meet MARPOL requirements in regard to size and materials. They may also meet state anti-littering laws for local waters. Not having the placards displayed on required vessels could result in civil penalties.


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