Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Lake Havasu's PR Specialist Update

This Update Contains Much More Information.

Publishers Note - This update contains much more information about Lake Havasu's PR Specialist Jeff Blumenfeld and kidney programs. Please take a look. Thank you.

The original article may be found at https://www.westernoutdoortimes.com/story/2023/06/01/woot/lake-havasus-pr-specialist/4903.html .

Jeff Blumenfeld - I guess you can say I'm a volunteer in need of a volunteer: a living kidney donor. To find one, I essentially have to market myself. It's a pain, but if that's what I have to do, I'm doing it.

If you Google "Jeff Blumenfeld + kidney," you can see the results of that effort. Some potential donors have come forward, but they have not been able to pass the medical tests qualifying them to donate, usually due to pre-existing conditions.

Here's a write-up I prepared with some basic background:

Volunteer, author and explorer Jeff Blumenfeld, who has been part of the Lake Havasu City public relations team for 13 years working remotely from Boulder, Colorado, has launched a national search for a kidney. As part of the effort he's enlisted the support of "Shark Tank" real estate celebrity Barbara Corcoran, and MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski (see links below).

After a 14-year battle with chronic kidney disease he is in need of a living kidney donor, one of 90,500 Americans each year on the kidney waiting list. (organdonor.gov). Jeff has launched a campaign to create greater awareness about living kidney donation titled "Share Your Spare" (jeffskidneysearch.com).

His national campaign includes billboard advertising in New York and Denver (see image), car signs, flyers, business cards, and newspaper/magazine stories.

I'm available this weekend in Boulder and will have access to Zoom or other video conferencing starting Saturday afternoon. But go ahead and call anytime.

By the way: A kidney donated by someone in the Southwest in my name to anyone provides me with a voucher that moves me up the list. They don't have to even match (I am type O).

Or they can kick off a paired exchange, a sort of kidney swap.

To donate directly to my Denver hospital, viewers can use this confidential questionnaire:


They can reach me directly at:


For Lake Havasu, I promote the 50th anniversary of the London Bridge, worked on other special events, and write their monthly event announcements. I have helped with the city's strong growth in tourism for over a decade. you for your interest,

Jeff Blumenfeld

c 203 326 1200




About Jeff:

• Volunteer Work: He traveled to Nepal on two volunteer cataract missions; volunteered in Antarctica with studentsonice.com; runs The Explorers Club Rocky Mt. chapter (explorers.org); is vice president of the International Skiing History Association (skiinghistory.org); and board member of the New Canaan-based 9/11 group VoicesCenter.org.

Jeff, 71, currently a resident of Boulder, Colorado, is Author of Two Books: One on voluntourism (travelwithpurposebook.com), the other on expedition funding for explorers. He's also presented 50 Book Talks encouraging people to see the world and make a difference - to lend a hand wherever they go. Unfortunately he's grounded for now due to kidney failure.

The average waiting time for a kidney from a deceased donor is 3 to 5 years nationwide. A kidney from a living donor offers patients an alternative to years of dialysis and time on the national transplant waiting list.

Jeff's National Kidney Registry website:


Shark Tank's Barbara Corcoran on Instagram:


Mika Brzezinski on Twitter:



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