Who knew that there is still over $70 billion dollars still available.
The majority of business owners I have talked with during the Virus years will tell you they have lost money during this time. In too many cases it has cost them their business.
And even for the ones who have made money or it looks like their revenue has been more, the cost of goods has risen dramatically. which has impacted their business.
I could recount numerous stories about these businesses. However, it might be more productive to see information about money that you as a business owner may be able to put in your account to help make up for this.
I am referring to the
Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) program.
The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) - is a program that is part of the CARES Act of 2020 - which allows companies to receive a per-employee stimulus funding based on earnings.
The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) - is a program that is part of the CARES Act of 2020 - which allows companies to receive a per-employee stimulus funding based on earnings.
If you have a business you owe it to yourself to look into this program. You can go to the above web site, fill out a simple short form and they will easily determine if you are eligible for this.
Not A Loan so there is nothing to be paid back.
Use Money For Whatever You Want
Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)
Treasury Check Comes Directly To You
You Can Also Have Taken A PPP1, PPP2 Loan
There is so much misinformation out there because this program has gone through numerous revisions. So if you have not received this money, it is worth a 5 minute phone call with this expert tax team to determine if you can apply.
Who Qualifies
Businesses with 2 to 99 employees for the 2020 credit.
Businesses with 2 to 499 employees for the 2021 credit.
(Note: can't count owners as employees)
W2 Employees - Businesses established in 2020 or 2021 can apply if gross receipts under $1,000,000 in the calendar year.
Do not rely on information from other accountants or CPAs who may be great at what they do, but unless they are working directly with the IRS like this team is...do yourself a favor and see about the money you are entitled to because you hired or retained W2 employees the past two years.
Testimony from our own Uriah Owley owner of boat trailer manufacturer, Kokopelli Trailers, who called and in less than a week found out he was entitled to over $90,000.
You could be the next success story. You are working hard and might as well see if you are a candidate..helping to save America's businesses.
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