Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

On The Cover March 2021

Spring Has Sprung!

That's the start of an old rhyme that you probably heard as a kid. However, here in the Southwest we know this and are looking forward to some of the highlights of this special season.

My husband and I attended an Arizona Game & Fish Department Zoom meeting recently and were amazed and delighted with statistics that show more and more people embracing the outdoors: For example, fishing and boating participation have increased tremendously. If there is a positive side to the pandemic, this may be it - that more individuals are getting out of their urban "comfort zones" and off their electronic devices to spend some time with Mother Nature. And, very often these new-to-the-outdoors folks have their kids along with them; they come as families.

So, if you haven't already, would you like to join them - perhaps close to home on a Tempe Lake boat ride, or to one of the state parks to savor the wildflower displays, or maybe take the trip you haven't had time for in the past to our state's crown jewel: Grand Canyon National Park?

There are so many more choices, but no matter what lures you to the outdoors, we hope you enjoy every minute of your time there and that this natural "refreshment" will become a permanent part of your lifestyle.


BOATING - You can go cruisin' in Tempe.

DOWNSTREAM - Spring traditions are both sacred and secular.

TACKLE & TARGET - This month's featured pro is Garry Garland.

LAND CRUISING - Steam engines return in 2021.

WESTERN WILDLIFE - SCI members rally against Cottonwood Rule.


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