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You Can Still Do Some Great Bird Hunting

There are two big outdoor events in Arizona this month, plus two fantastic new holsters I wanted to tell you about. Also, dove seasons, quail season, and waterfowl seasons may all be over, but that doesn't mean you can't still do some great bird hunting. Read on for details!

Alien Gear Grip Tuck Holster

This holster is different from the other Alien Gear holsters in a couple of ways – it's designed to fit an entire class of firearms instead of a single model like their hard polymer holsters, and it isn't hard. It's perfect for protective cover for storage or for wearing when you don't want to wear a hard shell. The outer material is textured and grips against fabric for a secure hold. If you want to wear it inside the waistband, there are three holes to use for the toolless belt clips – the ride height is adjustable, and so is the cant angle.

Ideal For A Woman To Conceal

Margie tried this holster out on our three-day trip down to southern Arizona this past month and she loved it. Generally, she prefers pocket carry or open carry because she says that "inside the waist band is uncomfortable, and makes me print". But she carried her Glock 48* in this new Grip Tuck inside her waistband for the whole three days, even when sitting in the truck, and she absolutely loved it. The Grip Tuck Alien Gear holster is comfortable, secure, and has a thin profile, making it ideal for a woman to conceal.

Although it is softer than a neoprene shell, it has plenty of protection – there is no way you can accidently deploy the trigger through the holster. The holster design keeps the gun itself off your skin, and one holster can fit several different weapons of similar size, so it's very economical. It's actually even machine washable, and Alien Gear gives you thirty days to decide if you love it enough to keep it. Trust me, you will. After that, their Forever Warranty is good for the lifetime of the holster. Just order it by manufacturer, general size (there's a drop-down list), and draw hand. Go to http://www.aliengearholsters.com to see them. They're under $35!

The Glock 48

*The Glock 48 is a 9mm almost exactly like the 19, but it's a single stack instead of a double stack, so it has a slimmer profile and is easier for a smaller person to conceal.

1791 Gunleather Ultra Custom Holster

Now this is something else entirely new – it's a holster that you actually mold around your weapon yourself. You order it by size, and when it arrives the fun begins. Have you ever made yourself a mouth guard for sports? You know, you drop it in boiling water then pull it out and mold it around your teeth? This holster is very much like that. You drop it in boiling water then mold it around your weapon.

Once Molded, A Perfect Fit

The holster is made from two layers of leather with a secret layer in between that allows for the moldability. Once it has been molded and cooled, it fits your gun perfectly. Want a little extra retention? Press hard around the trigger guard while molding and it will grip almost like a polymer holster. The leather is so much more comfortable than plastic, and it has a high sweat guard to keep metal off your skin.

With a thin profile, it is easily concealable and it has a reinforced synthetic tuckable clip for IWB carry. It comes in six sizes to accommodate everything from micro to full frame firearms, plus small revolvers. These fine leather holsters are just under $110. Check them out at https://1791gunleather.com/product/ultra-custom/

March 13-15 International Sportsmen's Expo And Arizona Boat Show

You don't want to miss this! Hundreds of companies are exhibiting destinations, gear, and services. All kinds of fun stuff for the kids, a giant RV pavilion, and even on-site RV camping. We always love this one, and there is always lots of good food, fun people, great seminars – you name it. It's at WestWorld of Scottsdale at 16601 N Pima Road. Participating dealers include Bass Pro Shops, Boulder Boats, Cabelas, Cactus RV, and Century Marine.

An AZBW/WOT Demonstration Tank

As always, there will be a big aquarium demonstration tank (sponsored by Arizona Boating & Watersports/Western Outdoor Times) with pros like Johnny Johnson, Matt Shura, Art Chamberlin, Kent Brown, Scooter Griffith, John Stewart and Gary Senft giving you tons of good tips for catching bass and crappie.

There's also an off-road test track, truck ride and drive, DockDogs contest, and more. Demos also include survival clinics with Matt and Brooke Wright from Naked and Afraid, outdoor gear demos, and more. Parking is $5 per vehicle, admission is $12 for adults, 15 and under free, and active military with ID free. Come out! http://www.sportsexpos.com

March 28-29 AZGFD Outdoor Expo At Ben Avery Shooting Facility

Largest hands-on outdoor expo in Arizona will have everything from wildlife exhibits and fishing tanks to kayaking and shooting – all for you to actually do. Last year there were over 52,000 people at the Expo, and this year there are more than 150 exhibitors including outdoor recreation and conservation groups, government agencies, and commercial vendors. Bring the kids and introduce them to just about anything to do with the outdoors. It's all free, even the parking. Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-4. http://www.azgfd.com/Expo

Desert Creek Sportsman's Club

The bird seasons may be over, but you can still do some first-class bird hunting at Desert Creek Sportsman's Club near Buckeye. You may remember Tony Marquez, the owner – he was the lead guide at the facility out by Mayer. He's the owner of Desert Creek, and he brings decades of bird hunting and dog training experience to the club. He's got chukar, pheasant, dove, quail, and duck (the last three only during seasons), and he also does dog training and boarding.

We have taken Mochi out there twice and we've had a blast. Since she hadn't hunted yet, Tony went with us and introduced her to the gun with a blank pistol and a pigeon. She passed that with flying colors, then pointed and retrieved every bird like an old pro. I was so proud! Tony is infinitely patient and skilled with hunting dogs, so this is the perfect place whether your dog is a seasoned pro or an absolute beginner.

If You Like Bird Hunting -

Tony has a big parking area, picnic tables, fire pits, ramada, and a portable restroom, and he can also accommodate trailers for overnight stays. There are several duck ponds and bird hunting fields, and even a clay target thrower if you're a little rusty and want to practice up a little before you hunt. The club is only about fifteen minutes from Buckeye, so if you want to stick around for a few days, you can get great hotels and restaurants nearby.

We bought a membership and have been enjoying every minute of it. Tony is a great guy – friendly, knowledgeable, and professional. You know he's a good guy, because Mochi absolutely loves her "Uncle Tony". If you like bird hunting, you owe it to yourself to come out to Desert Creek and see what they have to offer. 623-512-8498, http://www.dcsportsmansclub.com.


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