Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Arizona Spay And Neuter Clinic

Series: Veterans In The News | Story 20

Publishers Note - VFW 3513 Auxiliary has officially adopted this project naming it VFW Alley Cats - Operation Paws. Our purpose is to humanely control the population and condition of the colony that currently exists as Post 3513. Our goal is to connect the spayed/neutered animals with a veteran who will give it a good home. This can be good for the animals as well as the veterans. Donations for this project can be made to VFW Post 3513 or directly to Arizona Spay And Neuter Clinic.

We are hoping that more VFW Posts decide to become active in this endeavor.

Allen's Impromtu Animal Rescue Effort - First Capture January 19, 2020

Number One - Chester James is looking for a home. By this afternoon this handsome cream colored kitty will have a higher voice and a better life in store for him. See photo below.

Number Two - Cheeto is looking for a home. By this afternoon this handsome kitty will have a higher voice and a better life in store for him. See photo below.

Number Three - Oso is looking for a home. By this afternoon this pretty kitty will have a better life in store for her. See photo below.

Number Four - Panther is looking for a home. By this afternoon this handsome kitty will have a better life in store for her. See photo below.

Number Five - Skye Blue is looking for a home. By this afternoon this pretty kitty will have a better life in store for her. See photo below.

Number Six - Coco is looking for a home. By this afternoon this pretty kitty will have a better life in store for her. See photo below.

Number Seven - Char is looking for a home. By this afternoon this pretty kitty will have a better life in store for her. See photo below.

Number Eight - Patches Not all of our rescues turn out the way we would like. The vet determined Patches had Stomatitis. She also determined that because of Patches condition she had been affected by this for possibly several years. I noticed Patches the first time yesterday morning. I saw her again yesterday afternoon. She was skin and bones and her fur was matted and in terrible shape. I was able to catch her yesterday evening. We took her to the vet this morning. Under the circumstances the kindest thing was to put her out of her long suffering. We have included two photos of Patches. One is of her mouth. We show it only to show what can happen to these feral cats if they are not looked after. Please help us with trapping and neutering them all. See photos below.

Number Nine - Bella Boo is looking for a home. By this afternoon this pretty kitty will have a better life in store for her. See photos of all at https://www.azbw.com/vfw-cat-rescue/ .

Number Ten - Black Beauty is looking for a home. See photos of all at https://www.azbw.com/vfw-cat-rescue/ .

Like many other individuals, businesses and organizations VFW 3513 Post has feral cats. Being animal lovers, and somewhat realistic about this, Carol and I decided to try help the people at our VFW 3513 Post in Scottsdale, AZ who were trying to help the cats.

A special thanks to Jenny B. Jenny B is the VFW Post 3513 bar manager. She has spent countless hours and lots of her own money on this project.

Don't Miss The Photo Contest Below

I went to Arizona Spay And Neuter Clinic to ask for advice where I met with Treva the office manager. She couldn't have been more helpful. First I learned that if we spay and neuter the feral cats and than release them back on our property it will help to keep other feral cats from joining the group. Cats, being territorial, will stay away from another cats location. And, the cats we already have will not multiply due to the spay and neutering that will be done at Arizona Spay And Neuter Clinic.

Treva helped with such things as where and what kind of traps to use. What shots are practical. How long before we can release them after surgery.

Treva even showed us how they have special pricing for situations such as this. Situations where people are simply trying to help a large number of helpless animals.

It's up to people to look after these animals. We domesticated them. We made them dependent on us. We have made it impossible for them to take care of themselves. Anything else is nothing less than intentional cruelty.

Dr. Deanna Gazzerro will handle the surgeries.

Want a kitten? We'll keep you posted on our progress.

Anyone wishing to donate to this effort may do so by contacting Scottsdale Arizona Spay Neuter Clinic. Just mention Jim Allen / VFW Feral Cat Rescue 22051.

Arizona Spay And Neuter Clinic

6835 E Thomas Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85251

(480) 874-DOGS (3647)


Photo Contest

Send us pictures of your favorite or most unusual cat rescue. Send to jim@azbw.com

Contest Ends Midnight Arizona Time on January 31, 2020.

All who enter must agree to give publication rights to Arizona Boating & Watersports.

Winning entry will receive two tickets and a VIP parking pass to the 2020 Arizona Renaissance Festival.

This information is also available on our sister site Arizona Boating & Watersports.



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