Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Outdoors Woman

Learn How To Become An 'Outdoors Woman'

Register now for the "Becoming an Outdoors Woman" (BOW) workshop on Sept. 6-8 at Friendly Pines Camp near Prescott.

The program introduces women to outdoors skills in an enjoyable, non-threatening environment with expert instructors. Classes include horsemanship, rappelling, wilderness medicine, birding, hiking, archery, fly and warm-water fishing, paddling a kayak, and shotgun/rifle/pistol shooting among more than 30 others.

Evenings and mornings are filled with fun and entertainment, including bird walks, yoga, fly tying, night fishing and presentations.

Participants stay in rustic cabins, but there are showers and bathrooms in each cabin, and a central dining hall for meals.

Class materials, food and lodging are all included in the $235 registration fee (horsemanship and ropes challenge are $50 extra each).

The program is sponsored by the Arizona Wildlife Federation in partnership with the Arizona Game and Fish Department.


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