Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Lost Our Home Pet Rescue

Lost Our Home Could Use Your Help

With Supplies


Kirkland Maintenance Cat

Canned Pumpkin

Wet Puppy Food

Spray Bottles

Special Request Items

Rescue Disinfectant

6-foot Adopt Me Leashes

Small Martingale Collars

Extra Small Martingale Collars

Shower Curtain Liners

Heating Pads

By Fostering

Consider opening your heart and home to a foster dog or cat!We are always in need of temporary care and medical fosters.

If you are interested in helping a pet in need or saving a life, please fill out a foster application or contact fostering@lostourhome.org.

By Volunteering

Contact volunteering@lostourhome.org or Aimee Johnson, Volunteer & Events Manager


With A Smile

While you're doing your shopping, please don't forget to use Amazon Smile! For every eligible purchase made using Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate .5 percent of the proceeds to Lost Our Home! Signing up is easy!

Go to Smile.Amazon.com

Select Lost Our Home Pet Rescue as your charity to support

Come Visit Us

Lost Our Home Pet Rescue | 2323 South Hardy Drive, Tempe, AZ 85282


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