Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Shake, Rattle & Troll Radio Is Nationally Syndicated

Don McDowell

Shake, Rattle & Troll Radio Is Nationally Syndicated Via SB Nation

Shake, Rattle & Troll Radio is Nationally Syndicated via SB Nation covering 36 states and broadcasting in over 100 markets.

Shake, Rattle & Troll (SRT) Radio, hosted by Don McDowell, and co-hosted by John Koleszar (JK), has been broadcasting in the Phoenix, Ariz., area for over 17 years. Local popularity, focus on fishing, hunting and conservation issues are now being offered nationally through SB Nation. SRT Radio is a program that offers facts and information for the outdoorsman.

Since 2001, tournament angler and saltwater fisherman Don McDowell ("The Bass Daddy") has hosted Shake, Rattle & Troll" Radio. Joining the Bass Daddy in 2012 his sidekick John Koleszar, "The Man Who Speaks to Elk". They have been informing and entertaining listeners from the studios of KQFN 1580 The Fanatic, broadcasting from Scottsdale, Ariz.

Each week, guests include experts from the fishing and hunting arena with regular call-ins on bass, saltwater fishing, conservation, archery, guns and species. "I've been an avid listener and been a friend of SRT Radio for years and can't wait to hear what will come out of Don's and John's mouths. It's always entertaining and informative", says James Goughnour of Payson, Ariz.

Broadcasting on Sunday mornings from 7-9 a.m., SRT Radio has a weekly listenership of 100,000+ with an average of 500 live stream viewers on Facebook. Syndicated, that potential listenership reaches 400M with an exponentially rise in live stream viewers. Sixty percent of SRT viewers and listeners are on mobile devices,averaging 15K impressions per quarter, which is anticipated to grow as well.

For additional information, contact Doug Stricker: doug@shakerattleandtroll.com or (435) 632-8277.

SRT Outdoors LLC

P.O. Box 5791

Glendale, AZ 85312




Don McDowell's ads and stories can also be found on Arizona Boating & Watersports ( https://www.azbw.com/ ) and Florida Boating & Watersports ( https://www.floridaboatingandwatersports.com/ ).


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