Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

HAHWG - Mentor Recruitment Event

Hunting And Angling Workgroup

Mentor Recruitment Event

At our Summer Meeting, Ryan presented a concept for hosting a Mentor Recruitment event that received great support from the group. Well, I'm happy to say that after flushing out many of your ideas for a location he

has found a winner. Thank you for all your input. Here is what we know as of now:

Date Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018

Location Helton Brewing Company (22nd Street & Indian School, 2144 E Indian School Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85016)

Time 5-8 p.m.

Theme Hunter's Trivia & Happy Hour Night

Emcee Mike Russel, of the Go Show (was KTAR Get Outdoors)

Capacity 100 persons

Info Registration is required for attendance (we are gathering contact info, skills and interests)


Fun gathering for everyday hunters, not already a part of HAHWG, to motivate them to become mentors for your events, and expand our capacity, voice and force for recruitment and retention.

It will include trivia, food & drink, tons of engagement and socializing, stories, videos, and next steps to connect them to you and you to them.


We need a sponsor for refreshments - $550 for 1 drink each, or $1,100 for 2 drinks each (food and venue are paid for)

We need door / trivia prizes - small, medium and mid value items would be fantastic - gas cards, gift cards (food and goods / home improvement), Amazon bucks, nice hunting knives, coolers, nice water bottles / Nelgenes (like), battery bank / phone charger, blue tooth speaker, solar device charger, tactical flashlights, etc.

Does anyone in the group run a Trivia company? I'd like to do it by texting, with live screen display. Or experience with free software / app - let me know.

To support, contact - (or reach out to me and I'll connect you)

Ryan Conat

R3 Coordinator - Arizona

National Wild Turkey Federation

Office: (623) 236-7310 I Cell: (920) 250-2647

Email: rconat@nwtf.net

What it IS

This is an event to attract experienced everyday hunters not in the know about HAHWG. They are folks who are ripe for joining the R3 effort to keep us sustainable, and to grow our ranks of teaching the next generation to be wildlife conservationists though our traditional activities. We will be getting an event flyer to you shortly to help distribute with your networks of fellow hunters, that haven't yet gotten involved, this is the way to get them into the fold.

What it IS NOT

This is NOT a HAHWG meeting. It's NOT an open house. Registration is required to attend. We will need just a handful of key people to support the event, to talk about how rewarding mentoring is and the many opportunities there are fro them. There will be members from the Steering Committee, and we will seek out some others to be spokesmen / women to support the event.

After the event, we will be connecting with all the attendees by email with a list of all the upcoming HAHWG events and be asking them to attend, contact you to support, or at a minimum, take someone new to hunting and share your story. We will be able to track this and improve for doing again if successful.

It's going to be AWESOME! I'll be in touch.



MOBILE: 602.531.7578

OFFICE: 623.236.7487

EMAIL: dburt@azgfd.gov

azgfd.gov | 5000 West Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086

Ryan Conat

R3 Coordinator - Arizona

National Wild Turkey Federation

Office: (623) 236-7310 I Cell: (920) 250-2647

Email: rconat@nwtf.net


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