Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 10-11

Announces Safety-Class Schedule

Who: For you by US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 10-11 http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=070-10-11

What: 2017 Boating-Safety Class Schedule

Where: Century Marine, 3302 E. Main Street, Mesa, Ariz. 85213

When: Classes are scheduled from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on these dates:

• May 20

• June 17

• July 15

• Aug. 19

• Sept. 16

• Oct.21

• Nov. 18

How: You must pre-register by sending a check or money order ($25.00 per person) to: USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 10-11

728 E. Brooks St

Chandler, AZ 85225

(Please include the date of the class you which to attend.)

For More Information: Call (602) 550-8655 or contact Capt. Dave Esparza at bravohotel@juno.com


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