Early Entry Discounts Offered For 2017 Derby
There are just five months to go until the 9th annual Yellowtail Derby that start on April 29. The goal is to have over 200 of the best SoCal (and beyond) anglers in the competition. More entries add up to larger payouts.
We are offering a Block Buster Early Bird Entry of $45 (until Jan. 31) promo with a $10 entry for Juniors. Junior awards, both Mondays and Fridays, are for Small-Fry (up to 9 years old) and Juniors (11 to 16 years old).
"Miss Yellowtail Derby 2017" will be announced in January.
Please check out the Derby updated Web site, which you can use to sign up: http://www.internationalyellowtailderby.com/
We are open to your input and your suggestions.
John Campbell
Derby Director
IGFA Representative
Purcell Yacht Sales Broker
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