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NMMA, ICOMIA, ASONÁUTICA Launch Colombia International Nautical Congress

Save the date! Register now to get involved in the growing Colombian recreational boating market.

The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA) and Asociación Náutica de Colombia (ANC) announced today they will produce the International Nautical Congress of Colombia, April 27-29, in Cartagena de Indias, to promote the country's growing recreational boating industry.

Attendees of the Congress will participate in two days of networking and education to learn about opportunities in Colombia. The Congress will also feature keynote speakers and breakout sessions as well as a marina tour to give attendees a glimpse of some of the existing boating infrastructure and facilities.

Topics to be covered throughout the Congress include "Why Colombia? Why Now?", "A Drone's View of Marina Development in Colombia", and "Understanding the Needs of the Colombian Marine Market."

Tremendous Growth Potential

"Colombia's recreational boating industry has tremendous growth potential and is an emerging boating market for the global marine industry," said Thom Dammrich, ICOMIA and NMMA president. "By attending the Congress, participating marine businesses can learn more about opportunities for recreational boating and the necessary steps to take to get involved."

ANC joined ICOMIA as its 35th full-member in May 2015. The aim of the organization is to enable growth and competitiveness in the Colombian marine industry - as well as to create and develop business opportunities and contribute to the strengthening of the nautical culture within the country, boosting activities such as marinas, yacht clubs, marinas, shipyards, distributors and dealers of boats, nautical tourism service providers, water sports, sailors, among others.

"For the national government of Colombia, growing recreational boating industry is a priority," stated Antonella Farah, executive director of ANC. "The Vice President of the Republic of Colombia (German Vargas Lleras) has placed a high sense of commitment to recreational boating by, for the first time in 17 years, reducing bureaucratic hurdles for marina development and evaluating marine regulations."

Registration Is Open

Registration for the Congress is open. Marine industry association representatives, boat builders, accessory and component manufacturers, dock and marine equipment manufacturers, marina developers, yacht and charter brokers, investors, maritime attorneys and insurance representatives, and tourist agents are all encouraged to attend.

Given recreational boating's growth potential in Colombia, marine industry professionals from around the globe will want to save the date for


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