Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

On The Cover

Thank You For 10 Wonderful Years! We can't wait to see what takes place during the next ten.

Ten years ago (2005), Jim Allen and his wife Carol had the vision of starting a print and online publication that celebrated Arizona's outdoors. Throughout those years, their publication has promoted many outdoor activities and their inherent responsibilities for stewardship and safety. Examples include - but are not limited to - boating, camping, fishing, hunting, RVing, Watersports, and Wildlife.

The original name of the paper (Arizona Boating & Watersports) reflects the initial focus of the publication; later - with encouragement from readers and contributors - the name Western Outdoor Times was added since the content and distribution of the paper embraced more and more of the western states and provinces. The main focus, however, is still Arizona.

The publisher Jim Allen, a Viet Nam-era veteran, has an extensive business background, outdoors experience, community involvement, and ongoing interest in the American Legion and in agencies that aid both wildlife and domestic animals.

The editor Carol Allen, B.A., M.A. is a community-college English instructor who has focused mainly on writing and journalism, receiving both a Rio Salado College and a Maricopa County district award as "Outstanding Faculty." She is active in many community-service and animal-welfare organizations as well as her church. She is a member of VFW and American Legion auxiliaries.

Both Jim and Carol treasure their times spent with family, especially in the outdoors.

This publication has received both state and national awards related to wildlife and water safety.


It's Not Too Early - For dove hunters, it's not too early to start going over that pre-hunt checklist.


How To Host The Boats - Attracting boaters to your town requires amenities such as docks, restrooms and pumpouts.

Labor Day: Sept. 7

Rosh Hashanah: Sept: 14

Yom Kipper: Sept. 23

First Day of Autumn: Sept. 23

Native Americans Day/Indigenous Peoples Day: Oct. 12

Thank you box:

All of us at Arizona Boating & Watersports/Western Outdoor Times thank our readers, our advertisers, our contributors, our staff, our friends, and our families for the incredible support you have given us during these first 10 years of our publication. Without you we could not have continued nor enjoyed so much the work that we do. We are grateful to all of you.


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