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Release Chinook Salmon In The Tulalip Bubble Fishery

Action: Close chinook retention in the Tulalip Bubble fishery.

Effective Date: 12:01 a.m. July 31, 2015, until further notice.

Species affected: Chinook.

Location: Waters west of Tulalip Bay and within 2,000 feet of shore from the pilings at Old Bower's Resort, to a fishing boundary marker approximately 1.4 miles northwest of Hermosa Point.

Reason for action: Chinook brood stock collection efforts at the Tulalip and Wallace River Hatchery are well behind the goal. The closure of the chinook retention within the Tulalip Bubble is necessary in order to fulfill brood stock collection requirements for both hatcheries. The chinook retention may re-open if brood stock collection efforts indicate the goal will be met.

Other information: Tulalip Bubble fishery has a daily salmon limit of 2 salmon plus 2 additional pink salmon, release chinook. A 2-pole endorsement is still valid in the Tulalip Bubble. Other waters in Marine Area 8-2 remain unaffected by this rule change.

Information contact: Ryan Lothrop (360) 902-2808, Jenni Whitney (425) 775-1311


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