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American Sportfishing Association Elects Board of Directors Members

Industry leaders bring talent, experience and perspective in addressing a wide-range of issues that impact the industry, recreational fishing and fisheries conservation

Alexandria, VA – June 26, 2014 - Six members of the American Sportfishing Association (ASA) were elected or re-elected to fill three regional seats and three at-large seats on the board of directors. Their terms begin October 1, 2014, and they will serve two-year terms. ASA’s board members may serve three, consecutive two-year terms.

Regional seats went to:

Great Lakes Region - Kirk Immens, president, Sportco Marketing, Lake in the Hills, Ill. (reelected)

Northeast Region – Chris Megan, publisher, On the Water, LLC, East Falmouth, Mass. (reelected)

Northern Plains and Inter-Mountain Region – D...


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