Page, AZ – The National Park Service (NPS) invites the public to provide comments related to the proposed rehabilitation, restoration and resurfacing of approximately five miles of Lakeshore Drive, two miles of Wahweap Boulevard, and 0.3 miles of Wahweap Marina Drive in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
The project will ensure that Lakeshore Drive is rehabilitated and maintained to allow continued long-term vehicular access to Lake Powell in the Wahweap area. During the six months of road rehabilitation, tentatively planned for the winter and spring of 2015/2016, the NPS proposes to close the South Entrance and Lakeshore Drive with access to the Wahweap Marina area through the North Entrance. Low utility lines on Hwy 89 will be placed underground to allow large trailered houseboats from Page to use this route.
Improvements will include replacement of damaged concrete and asphalt curb, installation of concrete curb in new locations to address roadway drainage issues, improvement of drainage structures and existing ditches, removal of existing and installation of new guardrails, and improvement of pullouts.
The NPS is preparing an environmental assessment (EA) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) to provide opportunities for public review and comment. The EA will evaluate potential impacts to area soils, hydrology, wildlife, vegetation, visitor use, cultural resources, and park operations.
The NPS is seeking public scoping comments between May 27, 2014 and June 25, 2014. Public comments will be used to help inform the development of the EA. The NPS anticipates the EA will be released for public review and comment this winter.
All comments related to the proposal are welcome. During the public scoping period the following types of comments are particularly helpful:
Specific information about the project area that should be included in the analysis
Information about how you use this area of the park and how the project might affect that use
Other projects that might affect or be affected by the project
Other ideas or alternative ways of meeting the project objectives
We invite you to submit your written comments by June 25, 2014 in one of the following ways:
By mail: Superintendent
Attn: Lakeshore Drive Rehabilitation
PO Box 1507
Page, AZ 86040
By fax: 928-608-6204
In person: Monday – Friday 7:30-4:00
Glen Canyon Headquarters
691 Scenic View Drive
Page, AZ 86040
The project summary and associated documents can be found online at or can be requested from park headquarters at 928-608-6200.
Denise M. Shultz
Chief of Interpretation, Education, & Partnerships
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Rainbow Bridge National Monument
PO Box 1507
691 Scenic View Drive
Page, AZ 86040
928-608-6351 office
928-660-9055 cell
928-608-6365 fax
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