Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Central Arizona Friends of NRA To Hold Fundraiser

Scottsdale, AZ - The Central Arizona Friends of NRA will host a fundraising banquet on June 28th at Pinnacle Peak Patio Steakhouse, located at 10426 E. Jomax Road, in Scottsdale, AZ 85262. Early bird dinner tickets are $40, but specially priced packages are also available that include raffle tickets. Ticket prices will be $50 after June 21st. Doors open at 4 PM, and this fundraiser Banquet features cowboy steak dinners with all the trimmings, live and silent auctions, games, raffles, and a whole lot of fun!

The Central Arizona Committee of the Friends of NRA was established as the first FNRA Committee in the State of Arizona by WWII Flying Ace and Medal of Honor recipient, Joe Foss, whose numerous accolades also include post war fame as General of the Air National Guard, Governor of South Dakota, and service for two terms as president of the NRA. The Central Arizona Committee, as a Founding Committee, commemorates General Joe Foss in its event, and every Veteran in attendance will receive special recognition for their service.

This upcoming Friends of NRA fundraiser will be offering a wide variety of merchandise including a personally signed Charlie Daniels guitar, specialty knives, jewelry, firearms of nearly every style and personal preference, a private-instruction pistol class, a family membership to Arizona Archery Club, women's shooting accessories, art items, collectibles, hunting gear, and more.

At a Friends of NRA banquet, you'll meet your friends and neighbors who are working together to support an important cause in preserving our 2nd Amendment rights and heritage.

The fundraising revenue earned by the Friends of NRA on behalf of the NRA Foundation, 501c3, is split ½ between the national NRA Foundation for qualifying national-level programs like the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program, Women On Target®, Refuse to be a Victim programs, and other educational and safety services, but no political purposes.

The other ½ of the funding is distributed through a grant competition for local organizations in support of Arizona community programs related to firearm education, hunter safety, wildlife conservation, range improvements, youth marksmanship, women's programs, and other shooting sports interests.

Certain costs for the dinner and auctions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.

For additional information, please contact fnra.centralaz@gmail.com or (602) 571-4055.

Mail reservations to: Friends of NRA, c/o Larry Welton, PO Box 71148, Phoenix, AZ 85050

For information, call: (602) 571-4055 or Email: fnra.centralaz@gmail.com; or use our QR


$14,000.00 A&M Clayshooters, Tuba City: Equipment, Ammo & Gear for Youth Shotgun Program

$5,130.00 Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation: Equipment, Targets & Ammo for 4-H Shooting Sports

$11,893.30 Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation: Equipment for Shooting Sports Camp at Mingus Spring, AZ

$2,800.00 Arizona High School Rodeo Association: Equipment & Gear for HS Shooting Events

$8,203.53 Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Assn: Gear & Equipment for 2014 Jr. Marksmanship Program

$11,082.99 Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Assn: Ammo & Equipment for Junior Rifle Team

$6,800.00 Ben Avery Clay Busters: Ammo for Cactus Wren Beginners Clay Target Sports Program

$1,750.00 Ben Avery Clay Busters: Ammo & Fees for Upland Bird Hunting for Novice Shotgun Hunters

$5,431.61 Bird Busters of Payson: Ammo, Gear & Equipment for Scholastic Clay Target Program

$2,445.40 Buena High School JROTC Rifle Team: Transition from Sporter to Precision Rifle Team

$9,969.37 Campo Verde High School JROTC: Ammo & Equipment for new Air Rifle Program

$10,879.30 Casa Grande Trap & Skeet Assn: Equipment & Clay Targets for Youth Shooting Program

$4,767.29 Catalina Council Boy Scouts of America: Archery & Firearms Shooting Equipment/Supplies

$7,189.79 Flowing Wells JROTC: Equipment & Ammo for HS Air Rifle Marksmanship & Safety Classes

$2,848.03 Gethsemane Lutheran School: Equipment and Supplies to start an Archery Club

$10,725.00 Globe Miami Gun Club: Ammo & Equipment for Sponsored Club Educational Activities

$4,996.81 Grand Canyon Council, Boy Scouts Venturing Committee: Archery Equipment & Firearms

Gear for BSA Camps Raymond and Geronimo

$1,200.00 Gun Devil Shooting Sports at ASU: Ammo for Learn to Shoot Days Program

$2,084.20 Hassayampa Rod & Gun Club: Wind Flags & Ammo for Junior Shooters

$10,500.00 Huachuca Hot Shots: Ammo, Equipment & Gear for SCTP & New Scholastic Pistol Program

$2,190.71 Kingman High School: Ammo & Equipment for Gun Safety and Handgun Competition

$6,500.00 Mohave Scholastic Clay Target Program: Shotgun Ammunition for SCTP Program

$4,829.80 Mohave Sportsman Club: Equipment & Ammo for Junior Pistol, Rifle and 4-H Programs

$8,828.06 Mohave Sportsman Club: Ammo & Equipment for Scholastic Clay Target Program

$729.32 National Rifle Association: Training/Materials for Arizona Refuse to be a Victim Course

$18,429.00 Northern Arizona Shooting Foundation:Two Modular Buildings for Clay Target Sports

$16,241.66 Pima Pistol Club: Range Safety Improvements, Noise Reduction & Habitat Conservation

$18,200.00 Prescott Trap and Skeet Club: Facilities Improvements & Addition of Sporting Clays Course

$4,100.00 Pursch Ridge Riders 4H Shooting Sports: Ammo/Equipment for Shotgun Sports Program

$2,500.00 Pursch Ridge Riders 4H Shooting Sports: Ammo/Equipment for Small Bore Pistol Program

$9,366.44 Rio Salado Sportsmen's Club: Ammo/Equipment for Small Bore Jr. Marksmanship Program

$5,925.72 Skyline High School Army JROTC: Education/Training in Firearms Safety, Marksmanship

$6,500.07 So. Arizona Firearms Educators: Equipment & Ammo to start Scholastic Pistol Program

$10,145.00 Stewart District 4-H Club: Ammo, Equipment & Supplies for 4-H Shooting Sports Program

$9,600.00 Tonto Rim Sports Club: Range Operational Improvements for Public Shooters Usage

$8,695.00 Tri-State Shooting Park: Ammo, Gear, Target Fees for AZ Scholastic Clay Target Program

$3,081.00 Yavapai County Sheriff's Office: Equipment to Promote Gun Safety to Schools and Public

$15,261.00 Yuma Young Guns Scholastic Clay Target Team: Practice Ammunition


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