Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

SCORP Is Ready For Public Review

The Arizona State Parks department is responsible for writing Arizona's Statewide Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) every five years. This plan sets the evaluation criteria to allocate the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund grants, along with other applicable grant programs consistent with the state's outdoor recreation priorities as identified by public participants in the research.

This policy plan is now available online in a draft format for public review at AZStateParks.com and will be available for comment through Oct. 7. The final plan will be implemented starting Jan. 1, 2013.

Citizens interested in outdoor recreation in Arizona have participated with State Parks staff in the collection of recreation data since last May to build this first draft of the 2012 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). For more than 47 years, this offshore oil and gas leasing revenue fund, passed by Congress in 1965, has been used to plan, develop and expand outdoor recreation throughout America.

Arizona has received $60 million dollars from this fund toward the enhancement of outdoor recreation for Arizona communities and those monies were distributed through 728 grants administered by State Parks.

Arizona State Parks is committed to preparing a highly integrated outdoor recreation system for the future. This plan balances the recreational use and protection of natural and cultural resources. It also strengthens the awareness of the public between outdoor recreation with health benefits while also producing opportunities to enhance the economies and quality of life for residents.

Recreation managers of cities, counties, the state and Federal government organizations in Arizona use this information for more specific recreation planning and budgeting. The plan also offers leadership opportunities to make decisions about the State's enhancement of outdoor recreation sites, programs and infrastructure.

For more information call the Arizona State Parks department headquarters at (602) 542-4174 or go to AZStateParks.com. If you would like to e-mail program managers about this draft plan use aspreply@azstateparks.gov. Feedback on the plan can also be submitted by mail at Arizona State Parks, 1300 W. Washington Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85007 (Re: SCORP draft plan).


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